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  In the Big Rock Candy Mountains,   在大石头糖果山,

  There’s a land that’s fair and bright,   有一片美丽而明亮的土地,

  Where the goodies grow on the   糖果在哪里生长

  And you sleep out every night,   你每晚都睡在外面,

  And where friends are all around us   朋友在我们身边

  And the sun shines every day.   每天阳光灿烂。

  Oh,I’m bound to go where there isn’t any snow   哦,我一定要去没有雪的地方。

  And where the rain doesn’t fall   雨不下的地方

  And the wind doesn’t blow,   风不吹,

  In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.   在大石头糖果山。

  Oh,the bees are buzzing in the peppermint trees.   哦,蜜蜂在薄荷树上嗡嗡叫。

  Around the soda water fountains   在苏打水的喷泉周围

  Where the lemonade springs,   柠檬泉在哪里?

  The bluebird sings,   蓝知更鸟歌唱

转载请注明:在线英语培训机构排名 » 8岁在线英语歌曲推荐


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: