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? 在讲义上预习。首要要对要预习的内容有所晓得,可以先大体读一读这些讲义的内容。

? 会默写生词、词组,晓得语句的语法构成。

? 预习的时分把要点内容记下来,要标出每一个语句中的要点词组,而且关于一些复合句,找出它们的从句,并标示出。

? 预习时,思考这几个疑问:

1)呈现了那些动词的曩昔式,曩昔分词,它们是规则改变仍是不规则改变? 2)本课呈现了哪些新的句式,语法? 3)本课生词中有哪些与已学过的单词有联络? 4)你认为本课的重难点是啥? 5)假定是reading 有些,你能用简略的言语归纳文章的粗心吗?


unit 1

what’s your hobby?


play computer games, play music, collect stamps, keep pets, make model ships, read books, take photos, make cakes, plant trees, grow flowers, study plants, listening to music, singing, dancing, drawing, play the piano, play chess, play basketball…


1. what’s your hobby?

2. do you like…? yes, i do. / no, i don’t.

3. i love/like…

4. i enjoy …

5. i am good at…

6. my (favourite) hobby is …

7. …is my (favourite) hobby.

8. is your hobby keeping pets? yes, it’s / no, it isn’t.


1. love/like/enjoy doing sth 喜爱做某事

如:i like listening to music. 我喜爱听音乐。

2. my hobby is doing sth 我的喜爱是……

如:my hobby is reading books. 我的喜爱是看书。

3. more than… 多于…… , 跨越…… from 来自于

如:i have collected more than 3 hundred stamps from 20 countries.


4. every 每一的,每个的

every day 每天 every night 每晚 every year 每年 every friday 每周五

5. during + 时刻 标明在某段时刻里

during day 在白日 during the summer holiday 在暑假期间

6. some of + 名词 ……中的一些

如:some of the students are from america. 这些学生中的一些来自美国。

7. be good at sth / doing sth 擅长于……

如:he is good at swimming. 他擅长于游水。



unit 2

his hobby is drawing


write stories, do some reading, keep ducks and chickens, draw cartoons…


1. what’s mike’s hobby? his hobby is …

2. when does mike usually draw? he usually draws ….

3. what does mike give his friends for their birthday?

4. what present does amy give to tom?

5. what does she want to do when she grows up? she wants to be a writer.


1. grow up 生长,长大 want to do… 想要做…

如:when lucy grows up she wants to be an english teacher.


2. very much 非常,很,非常

如:mr. wu can play the piano very much. 吴先生很会弹钢琴。

3. begin to do sth 初步做某事

如:he begins to learn english. 他初步学英语。

4. be in trouble 有费事,处于意外,堕入窘境

如:when you are in trouble, they will help you.


unit 3

i can swim very fast

一、 词组:

read fast, jump high/far, run fast, sing well, dance well, help children learn, grow food for people, get news for people, make machines for people...


1. i can swim very fast.

2. what can you do? i can…

3. can he run fast? yes, he can. no, he can’t.

4. i’m good at drawing.

5. what are you good at?


1. be good at sth / doing sth 擅长某事,擅长做某事

他擅长画画:he is good at darwing.

2. let’s = let us

let sb do sth 让或人做某事

如:let’s go swimming together. 让咱们一同去游水吧。

3. help sb do sth 协助或人做某事

如:who can help children learn? 谁能协助学生学习呢?

4. for 为了

工人可认为我们建房子:the workers can build house for people.

5. hope to do sth 期望做某事

如:i hope to see you again. 我期望再会到你。

6. praise 赞扬,赞许,赞誉 praise for 因为…赞许

如:he praised her for her courage. 他赞许她的英勇。

7. be proud of 骄傲,为......而骄傲

如:i am proud of being an english teacher. 我为作为一名英语教师而感到骄傲。

unit 4

can you do my homework?

一、 句型:

1、can you do my homework? yes, i can. no, i can’t.

2、who gives jiamin a present?

3、what will he do? he will become a clown.

4、who can help me?


1、speak + 某种言语

如: can you speak chinese?

2、do one’s homework 做家庭作业

他常常在晚上8点钟做作业:he often do his homework at eight o’clock in the evening.

3、talk with sb 与或人谈天

talk about 谈论某事

我喜爱跟你谈天:i like talking with you.

4、make sb do sth 使或人做某事

如:he always makes me laugh. 他老是让我大笑。


where is ben


maybe可以 find 找到 look for 寻找 ice cream 冰淇淋


want to takl with him 想和他说话

at the swimming pool 在游水池里

go swimming 去游水

on weekdays 在作业日

at the library 在图书馆

find him 找到他

look for him 寻找他

in the music room 在音乐室

take exericse 参加训练

in the gym 在体育馆

do one’s homework 做家庭作业

in the classroom在教室里

eat ice cream 吃冰淇淋

at the school shop 在学校的商铺里

1. where is ben? ben 在哪里?

he is at the swimming pool. 他在游水池里。

2.he never goes swimming on weekdays ?他从不在作业日去游水。

3.does ben often go swimming?ben常常去游水吗?

yes,he does.

4.let me go and look for him there?

ok. 好吧。


at the weekend


weekend周末busy 忙的 wake(up)醒来 early早地,早的 mrs 太太 market商场son儿子palace宫廷children’s palace少年宫 out外面have(some)fun文娱cinema影片院seldom很少地stay停留,呆在。。。当地


at the weekend在周末 wake up醒来 have a big breakfast 吃一顿丰富的早餐

on saturday在周六 have a swimming lesson上一堂游水课

go out for lunch出去吃午饭 go to the the cinema去看影片 have some fun文娱

stay at home呆在家里


the chen family is always very busy at the weekend.陈家人在周末老是很忙。

after breakfast mrschen usually goes to the market with mr chen.早餐后,陈太太常常和陈先生一同去商场。

their son jiamin always goes to the children’s palace
on saturday.






:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: