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style="position: absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;">共享故事 传递欢喜——2021年北台大学英语讲故事大赛新抚教育
每位选手的赏识与期许。 本次大赛从开学初树立变本钱学期的英语学科主题活动,十一月份初步预备。首要在全校建议,随后在每班评选出五名优良选手,由班级公布奖品。接着再从五名选手中选出一名到两名同学进入复赛,经过复赛,22名同学变成优良中的姣姣者成功闯入决赛。 now let’s begin the contest! are you ready? go! the first, they are from grade three. they are little but they are good at speaking english. they are from grade four . they can do well in the contest! 从小咱们独爱做的事就是听大人给咱们讲故事,小故事包含着大道理,正是这些或深或浅的故事,引领咱们打扫困难,迎候应战,创造自我,活泼面临日子! they are from grade five . their stories are magic to us . the students of grade six are coming! what are their stories about ? please listen! 经过剧烈竞赛,大赛奖项最终尘土落定。李蓉校长宣读获奖名单,优良奖:3.7 包礼睿 刘赫依 王思淇 4.1于东可 4.6陈星文 4.4 邹雨桐 5.1赵若冰 5.6 李桐瑶 5.2 遇盈希 5.1 张紫淇 5.3唐伽沐晨 5.5 王莘琪 6.2郭佳钰 6.5徐宁艺 6.6李俊瑶 6.1王瑞昕 (16人)<br><br> <p class