三人简略 英语 口语 对话 – 知乎

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a: (新年晚上你有啥方案?)
b: (我也不理解,参加一个party或许其他啥的)
a: (你的女兄弟呢?你不跟她一同过吗?)
c: (他女兄弟要跟她的家人一同过,像往常相同。)
b: (好吧,那你的方案呢?对a说的)
a: (嗯,其实我还不晓得呢)
c: (等一下,我记住你的父母在那天要去乡下看你爷爷奶奶是吗?)
b: (所以你们家那天晚上没人?)
c: (你在想我想的事吗?)
b: (我也不晓得,你在想啥?)
a: (办party!!)
c: (你懂我)
b: (我觉得咱们可以那样,我正好没组织)
a: (好吧,那听起来不错。我待会打电话给你们谈论细节)
b: (好吧,那再会吧,我还有一些其他事要做)
c: (那再聊吧)

效能员: good evening. do you have a reservation?
客人: no, i don’t.
效能员: how many people are you together?
客人: just me.
效能员: would you like to sit in smoking section, non-smoking section or whatever comes open first?
客人: i prefer non-smoking section.
效能员: awfully sorry, there are no vacancies left now. would you like to wait for a moment?
客人: how long a wait do you think there will be?
效能员: about ten minutes, i think.
客人: ok, i will wait a while.
效能员: im sorry for making you wait for so long. now there is a table available in non-smoking section. please follow me.
客人: ok, thanks. (口气略显不悦)
效能员: this is menu. are you ready to order now?
客人:what’s the specialty of your restaurant?
效能员:en…..braised beef in brown sauce and special style lobster.
客人:alright, i will have these two.
效能员:would you like anything to drink?
客人:err….just a glass of orange juice.
效能员:ok. please wait a moment.
客人: waiter!
效能员: may i help you, madam?
客人(生气地说): i have made an order half an hour ago, when could i get my dish? 效能员: were very sorry. i will go to the kitchen and told the chief to make your
order ready right now. (几分钟后)

效能员:your meal is ready, please enjoy yourself.
客人(生气地说):hey, waiter, come here.
效能员:what is the matter, sir?
客人:i have a complaint. please ask your manager here.
司理: madam, is there anything unsatisfying?
客人很惊奇:wow, oh my god, are you yuki?
司理:oh, yes. you are…… wind?
司理:long time no see! how have you been?
客人:i’m very well. i’m really happy to see you again. is everything well? 司理:yes, very well. i heard youve found a new job.
客人:yes, im now working in a company.
司理:so youre quite happy with your new job?
客人:yes. i love this job.
司理:oh, that’s great. so…..is there any problem about the food? 客人: err……nothing, nothing. it’s…. “ok”.
司理:well, please
三人简略 英语 口语 对话 – 知乎插图
enjoy yourself!

a: the summer vacation is coming. what’s your plan,b? 暑假就要来了。你的方案是啥,b吗?
b: i’m planning to go to lijiang yunnan province for sightseeing.我方案去丽江云南参观。
c: really? it is a place that would love to see. and i heard that it is also a world culture(cao chuo) heritage(her tei zhi) sites(sis).真的吗?这是一个将会很愿意看到的当地。我传闻它也是一个世界文明遗址
b: yes. now there are more than 30 places that have been listed(li s did) as world culture(kao chuo) heritage(her tei zhi) site(sis), and lijiang is among them.是的。如今有30多处有被列入世界文明遗产丽江古城,在他们中心。
a: well, talking about world culture heritage site reminds me of beijing.嗯,谈论的世界文明遗产使我想起了北京。
c: yes, there are many places deserving to visit in beijing such as forbidden city, summer palace, the great wall and so on.是的,有许多当地值得赏识北京故宫,颐和园、长城等。
b: and it’s said that the great wall is the only human construction(con si zhua ke shen) on earth that can be seen from the outer space. it’s considered(con se der) as one of seven wonders in the word.和传闻长城是地球上仅有的一项人类缔造可以看见从外层空间。这是被视为一个单词的七大奇迹
a: yes, i have seen a picture of the great wall. it is like a long white belt winding on the surface of the earth.是的,我看到了一幅无量的长城。这就像一个白色的长带绕组上的地球表面。
c: there must be some world culture heritage site in our province, right?必定有某种世界文明遗产在我省,对吗?
b: you’re right. the world culture(cao chuo) heritage(her tei zhi) site(sis) in shandong province include the confucian temple and mount tai.你是对的。世界文明遗产包括儒家山东省庙和泰山。 a: and there are also many famous historic cultural cities such as jinan qingdao and linyi. they are the windows for us to look through into the glamorous history of our coutry.
也有许多闻名的前史文明名城济南、临沂等青岛。他们是咱们要经过微软到诱人的前史咱们的国家。 c: yes. the more places we go, the more we get to know about our country.是的。咱们去更多当地的越多,咱们就越晓得有关咱们的国家。

mr. lee: we’ll get miss lewis’ opinion on this, i think.
lee先生: 咱们来听一听lewis小姐的观点。
mr. jones: miss lewis … i’ve heard that name. oh yes! i heard she is one of the secrets of this company’s success. everyone was raving about what a great job she’s done in motivating the … (interrupted by mr. lee)
jones先生: lewis小姐??我传闻过那个名字。哦,是的。传闻她是公司的大功臣之一。每一自个都对她优良的体现赞不断口,她长于鼓励??
mr. lee: uh, mike … speak of the devil… the famous miss lewis is standing right behind you. mary, let me introduce our new accounting manager, mike jones. mike, this is mary lewis. lee先生: mike??说曹操曹操就到,台甫鼎鼎的lewis小姐就站在你的死后。mary,请答应我向你介绍咱们新财务司理mike jones。mike,这位是mary lewis。
mr. jones: so you’re the famous miss lewis! so nice to meet you at last! i’ve heard so much about you.
jones先生: 你就是那位lewis小姐!总算见到你,非常高兴!我常常听人提起你。 miss lewis: all good, i hope. it’s nice to meet you, too.
lewis小姐: 期望都是说我的优点。很高兴知道你!
mr. jones: yes, i assure you, it was all good. what do you do in human resources?
jones先生: 我向你保证都是好作业。你在人力本钱部做啥作业?
miss lewis: i’m the general manager of human resources. i took over from jim when he stepped down a few years ago. and how long have you been in the accounting department? lewis小姐: 我是人力本钱部的总司理。几年前jim离任后我就替代了他总司理的职位。你在财务部有多久了?
mr. jones: just started, i’m afraid. but i hope to see more of you in the future. it was so nice to finally meet you.
jones先生: 我刚来。期望今后多多碰头。能知道你,真的很高兴。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: