特征我国传统文明中英文翻译(一) #英文学习喜爱者

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1. 元宵节: lantern festival
2. 绣花:embroidery
3. 重阳节:double-ninth festival
4. 清明节:tomb sweeping day
5. 剪纸:paper cutting
6. 书法:calligraphy
7. 对联:(spring festival) couplets
8. 象形文字:pictograms/pictographic characters
9. 人才活动:brain drain/brain flow
10. 四合院:siheyuan/quadrangle

11. 战国:warring states
12. 风水:fengshui/geomantic omen
13. 铁饭碗:iron bowl
14. 函授部:the correspondence department
15. 集体舞:group dance
16. 黄土高原:loess plateau
17. 红白喜事:weddings and funerals
18. 中秋节:mid-autumn day
19. 成婚证:marriage certificate
20. 儒家文明:confucian culture
21. 隶属学校:affiliated school
22. 古装片:costume drama
23. 武打片:chinese swordplay movie
24. 元宵:tangyuan/sweet rice dumpling (soup)
25. 一国两制:one country, two systems
26. 火锅:hot pot
27. 四人帮:gang of four
28. 《诗经》:the book of songs
29. 本质教育:essential-qualities-oriented education
30. 《史记》:historical records/records of the grand historian
31. 大跃进:great leap forward (movement)
32. 《西行记》:the journey to the west
33. 岁除:chinese new years eve/eve of the spring festival
34. 针灸:acupuncture
35. 唐三彩:tri-color pottery of the tang dynasty/ the tang tri-colored pottery
36. 我国特征的社会主义:chinese-charactered socialist/socialist with chinese characteristics
37. 偏旁:radical
38. 孟子:mencius
39. 亭/阁: pavilion/ attic
40. 大中型国有公司:large
特征我国传统文明中英文翻译(一) #英文学习喜爱者插图

and medium-sized state-owned enterprises
41. 火药:gunpowder
42. 阴历:lunar calendar
43. 印/玺:seal/stamp
44. 物质精力文明缔造:the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization
45. 京剧:beijing opera/peking opera
46. 秦腔:crying of qin people/qin opera
47. 太极拳:tai chi
48. 独生子孙证:the certificate of one-child
49. 天坛:altar of heaven in beijing
50. 小吃摊:snack bar/snack stand
51. 红双喜:double happiness
52. 政治辅导员:political counselor/school counselor
53. 春卷:spring roll(s)
54. 莲藕:lotus root
55. 追星族:star struck
56. 故宫博物院:the palace museum

57. 相声:cross-talk/comic dialogue
58. 下岗:lay off/laid off
59. 北京烤鸭:beijing roast duck
60. 高级自学考试:self-taught examination of higher education
61. 烟火爆仗:fireworks and firecracker
62. 敦煌莫高窟:mogao caves
63. 电视小品:tv sketch/tv skit
64. 香港澳门同胞:compatriots from hong kong and macao
65. 文明大改造:cultural
特征我国传统文明中英文翻译(一) #英文学习喜爱者插图(1)

66. 长江中下流区域:the mid-low reaches of yangtze river
67. 门当户对:perfect match/exact match
68. 《水浒》:water margin/outlaws of the marsh
69. 中外合资公司:joint ventures

70. 文房四宝(翰墨纸砚):,


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: