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<a href="https://www.acadsoc.com/" target="_blank" class="link" contenteditable="false"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i>单曲循环的英语表达</a><strong></strong>是:Single tune circulation。Single表示单曲
的意思,tune表示曲调、曲子的意思,circulation表示的是循环、流通的意思,所以这三个单词合起来组成的意思就是单曲循环。<br><br>  单曲循环,顾名思义就是选择一首单独的曲目,播放形式设置为从头到尾单一循环往复播放,一遍又一遍连续播放同一只曲子。其实单曲循环是建立在现代的音乐播放机器基础之上的,在有了收音机、录音机,随身听,MP3以及手机,一些高级的音效陈列播放仪器的曲目播放的模式。下面,分享一些比较常用“单曲循环”的例句:<br><br>  1、听到喜欢的音乐,我就会选择单曲循环。<br><br>  When hear my favorable music , I will choose single cycle .<br><br>  2、这首歌单曲循环,直到我学会唱。<br><br>  This song is single cycle till I learn to sing .<br><br>  3、听周杰伦的歌,你会单曲循环吗?<br><br>  Listen to Jay chow’s songs . Will you single cycle ?<br><br>  4、我喜欢随机播放,不喜欢单曲循环。<br><br>  I would like to random play , not single cycle .<br><br>  5、这首歌一直单曲循环,直到我睡熟。<br><br>  This song was always single cycle till I fallen asleep .<br><br>  6、莉莉一边画画,一边听着录音机单曲循环。<br><br>  Lily is drawing pictures while listening to the sound recorder single cycle .<br><br>  7、一听到他的歌,我就想单曲循环。<br><br>  Once heard his songs would I choose single cycle .<br><br>  8、单曲循环,其实是听
着自己的心情。<br><br>  Single cycle, actually listen to their feelings.<br><br>  9、在女人这个播放列表中,我只想选择你,然后单曲循环。<br><br>  In the women's play list, I just want to pick you, and then the single cycle.<br><br>  10、播放模式也比较完善,有单曲,顺序,循环,随机播放等模式。<br><br>  It has various playing modes such as single, order, circulation, and random mode.<br><br>  11、一个人坐在电脑面前发呆,带着耳机,一遍又一遍的单曲循环。<br><br>  A man sat on computer in front in a daze, wearing headphones, again and again single cycle.<br><br>  12、哪一首歌让你不断单曲循环?<br><br>  Which song do you have on repeat?<br><br>  13、当有一首歌符合现状,我就会让它单曲循环。<br><br>  When there's a song that's in line with the status quo, I'll let it cycle.<br><br>  14、一首歌,单曲循环,才会喜欢。一个人
,重复播放,才会明白。<br><br>  A song , a song cycle , only love. A person, repeat, will understand.<br><br>  15、有没有那么一首歌,会让你单曲循环一辈子…<br><br>  If There's A Song That Makes You Replay For A Lifetime…<br><br>  单曲循环只是众多歌曲音乐播放形式的一种,大概只有在听到自己真心喜欢和感兴趣的音乐时候,我们才会调配模式成为单曲循环,喜欢听音乐的朋友大家估计都有曾经尝试过一首歌无数次单曲循环的经历。听音乐是很好的缓解压力的方式,帮我我们放松心情沉浸在静谧的音乐时光里,那你知道单曲循环用英语怎么说吗?



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: