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*Unit 1(15个单词)



·UK英 [ju:''ke] / n.英国You take a chance on the weather if you holiday in the UK.(在英国休假,只需赌气候了。)·canada英 [''knd] / n.加拿大I''m from the Canada.(我来自加拿大。)·USA英 [ju:es''e] / n.美国I bought a copy of ''USA Today'' from a street-corner machine.(我从街角的主动售卖机买了
一份《今日美国》。)·China英 [''tan] / n.我国I''m from the China.(我来自我国。)·she英 [i] / pron.她She is a pretty woman.(她是个秀丽的女人。)·student英 [stju:dnt] / n.学生The students are reading one book.(学生们正在看同一本书。)·pupil英 [pju:pl] / n.学生;(尤指)大学生I am a pupil.(我是大学生。)·he英 [hi] / pron.他He is here to paint our house.(他到这儿来是为了给咱们粉刷房子。)·teacher英 [ti:t(r)] / n.教师I''m a teache.(我是一名教师。)·boy英 [b] / n.男孩The little boy loves to read.(这个小男孩喜爱看书。)·and英 [nd] / conj.和;与There''s a needle and cotton there.(那儿有针和线。)·girl英 [g:l] / n.女孩The girl really likes music.(这个女孩真的很喜爱音乐。)·new英 [nju:] /
adj.新的The photo shows the new look of our city.(相片展示了咱们城市的新容颜。)·friend英 [frend] / n.兄弟I was riding on the back of a friend''s bicycle.(我其时坐在一个兄弟的自行车后座上。)·today英 [tde] / n.今日What day is it today?(今日星期几?)

*Unit 2(12个单词)



·father英 [fɑ:(r)] / n.父亲;父亲This father has a daughter and a son.(这个父亲有一儿一女。)·dad
[dd] / n.父亲;爹爹Dad spoils me. He loves me.(父亲很宠我,很爱我。)·man英 [mn] / n.男人A man smiles happily.(一个男的笑的很开心。)·woman英 [wmn] / n.女人Young beautiful woman drinking coffee at home.(年青秀丽的女人在家喝咖啡。)·mother英 [m(r)] / n.母亲;母亲She is my mother.(她是我的母亲。)·sister英 [sst(r)] / n.姐;妹My sister is also my best friend.(我姐姐也是我最佳的兄弟。)·brother英 [br(r)] / n.兄;弟The brother and sister play together.(两兄妹在一同玩。)·grandmother英 [grnm(r)] / n.(外)祖母Grandmother is getting along and doesn''t hear too well any more.(祖母上年岁了,耳朵现已听不清了。)·grandma英 [grnmɑ:] / n.(口语)(外)祖母My grandma is friendly to everyone.(我外婆对每自个都很和蔼。)·grandfather英 [grnfɑ:(r)] / n.(外)祖父His grandfather was a professor.(他的祖父曾是一名教授。)·grandpa英 [grnpɑ:] / n.(口语)(外)祖父Grandpa used to read me stories when I was a little girl.(在我小时分,爷爷会给我讲故事。)·family英 [fmli] / n.家;家庭To him the family is the core of society.(对他来说,家庭是社会的中心。)

*Unit 3(11个单词)



·thin英 [θn] / adj.瘦的He was a tall, thin man with grey hair.(他是个瘦高个,头发灰白。)·fat英 [ft] / adj.胖的;肥的You''ll become fat if you eat too much junk food.(假定你吃许多废物食物的话,会长胖的。)·tall英 [t:l] / adj.高的How did you grow so tall?(你是怎么长得这么高的?)·short英 [:t] / adj.短的;矮的Short hair is in style now.(短发如今很盛行。)·long英 [l] / adj.长的;Everyone noticed her beautiful,long,Black hair.(一切人都留心到了她那秀丽的棕色长发。)·small英 [sm:l] / adj.小的This is a small model of my real house.(这是我房子的一个小模型。)·big英 [bg] / adj.大的It''s a big hamburger,but I can finish it!(这么大一个汉堡包,可是我能吃完!)·giraffe英 [drɑ:f] / n.长颈鹿This is the giraffe.(这是一只长颈鹿。)·so展开 / adv.这么;那么I hope you will pardon me for doing so.(我期望你宽恕我这样做。)·children英 [tldrn] / (child/[tald]/的复数)n.儿童The children are playing in the park.(孩子们正在公园里玩耍。)·tail英 [tel] / n.尾巴The horse''s long tail lifted up into the air as it ran.(马的长尾巴跟着其奔驰而甩向空中。)

*Unit 4(12个单词)



·on英 [n] / prep.在……上All of my textbooks are on my desk.(我一切的讲义都在书桌上。)·in英 [n] / prep.在……里Why are you hiding in the box?(你藏在箱子里干嘛呀?)·under英 [nd(r)] / prep.在……下面This cat fell asleep under the desk.(这只猫在桌子底下睡着了。)·chair英 [te(r)] / n.椅子Put your schoolbag on the chair.(把你的书包放在椅子上。)·desk英 [desk] / n.书桌On the desk.(在课桌上。)·cap英 [kp] / n.帽子Police wear a blue cap when on duty.(差人在执勤的时分戴着蓝帽子。)·ball英 [b:l] / n.球Can I have a ball?(可以给我一只球吗?)·car英 [kɑ:(r)] / n.小轿车Can I have a car?(可以给我一辆轿车吗?)·boat英 [bt] / n.小舟Would you like to go for a boat ride?(你想去搭船吗?)·map英 [mp] / n.地图All we had to do was follow the map.(咱们所要做的就是依照地图走。)·toy英 [t] / n.玩具The boy sat there, playing his toy leisurely and carefree.(那男孩坐在那里,安适安适地玩着玩具。)·box英 [bks] / n.盒;箱The cardboard box was crushed.(纸箱子压扁了。)

*Unit 5(9个单词)



·pear英 [pe(r)] / n.梨Do you like pears?(你喜爱梨吗?)·apple英 [pl] / n.苹果Do you like apples?(你喜爱苹果吗?)·orange英 [rnd] / n.橙子Do you like orange?(你喜爱橙子吗?)·banana英 [bnɑ:n] / n.香蕉Do you like bananas?(你喜爱香蕉吗?)·watermelon英 [w:tmeln] / n.西瓜A watermelon is red inside and green outside.(西瓜内红外绿。)·strawberry英 [str:bri] / n.草莓I only had a strawberry yoghurt for breakfast.(我早餐只吃一个草莓酸奶。)·grape英 [grep] / n.葡萄The grape vine climbed up along the wall.(葡萄藤沿墙攀缘而上。)·buy英 [ba] / vt.& vi.买You can buy gift over the internet.(你可以在网上收购礼物。)·fruit英 [fru:t] / n.生果I want some fruit.(我想要一些生果。)

*Unit 6(12个单词)



·eleven英 [levn] / num.十一My favorite number is eleven.(我最喜爱的数字是11。)·twelve英 [twelv] / num.十二Twelve eggs makes a dozen.(一打鸡蛋是十二个。)·thirteen英 [θ:ti:n] / n.十三There''s a number thirteen on my shirt.(我的T恤上印稀有字13.)·fourteen英 [f:ti:n] / num.十四February fourteen is Valentine''s Day.(2月14日是情人节。)·fifteen英 [ffti:n] / n.十五My son will turn fifteen years old this year.(我儿子本年就要十五岁了。)·sixteen英 [sksti:n] / n.十六She got a special gift when she turned sixteen years old.(当她年满16岁时,收到了一份特别的礼物。)·seventeen英 [sevnti:n] / n.十七The number on the ball is seventeen.(球上的数字是17。)·eighteen英 [eti:n] / num.十8I am eighteen years old.(我十8岁了。)·nineteen英 [nanti:n] / num.十九After nineteen years,I still felt young.(过了十九年,我仍然觉得年青。)·twenty英 [twenti] / n.二十Twenty is a good age.(二十岁是个好年岁啊。)·kite英 [kat] / n.风筝The kite blew
away.(风筝乘风起飞。)·beautiful英 [bju:tfl] / adj.秀丽的She is such a beautiful lady.(她是一位如此秀丽的女士。)

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