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1.smooth描述酒等饮品的口感好;smoothy 奶昔
2.somedays are better than others 有时分比其他时分非常好(宛转说今日过得不好)
3.not so much for me 宛转 对我来说不是这样
4.did i talk into that souffl?我可以点餐了吗(效能生用语);talk into有谈及、说服的意思
5.you got a second?标明期望说话
6.here is the thing 转机
7.i cannot afford to do that.我不能做
8.i didn‘t grow up to be something;that was never the plan 我的人生方针不是
9.get over yourself 少来,别自认为是
10.i saw you at m’s going down on a big mac.
11.first of all 首要纠正下 用用于自我分辩
12.daily affirmations 每日警句
13.i open my heart

and allow wonderful things to flow into my life,forgiving those who have wronged me is a gift i give myself。
http://14.in?case you have forgotten 提示你
15.take this the wrong way 误解
16.i waited up for you 我等你回来 指没睡
17.cover the shift 换班
18.my home is a real oasis
19.i owe you one 我欠你一次
20.role model榜样
21.angry silence
21.it is not a sin to be thrifty节俭节约不是罪
22.be hang on by your fingers 留心翼翼地避免疑问、失利或灾害。
23.make sth about me扯到我
24.l have come to understand 我逐步晓得到
25.i have come a long way 我做了不少尽力
26.wipe the slate clean and start over冰释前嫌
27.what a day 多糟的一天(看语境)
28.i love you with all my heart
29.new chapter,same book 换汤不换药
1.which way you leaning?你倾向于怎么做
2.thats progress. 前进了(标明作业获得发展)
3.whats the world?情况怎样
4.lecture sb 讲道理
5.you doing all right?你还好吗
6.work-around 变通方案
7.this is the look now. 这是如今盛行的姿势。
8.wind up 结束
9.speak volumes

10.old school 保存派
11.be a natural 天然生成的
12.that‘s the window into a dark room. 听起来有心思啊。
13.thats not very encouraging. 听起来不像那么回事。
14.get a lot on my mind 我有心思
15.a penny for your thoughts?告诉我你有啥心思
16.iffy 可疑的,未断定的
17.has that ship sailed. 无法解救的
18.so close. 就差一点
19.frustrate 波折,感到悲观
20.no good deed goes unpunished. 好人没好报
21. open-mindedness 无成见的,开通的

    thanks for putting me on the spot. 你这不是让我下不来台吗。be there for each other 彼此撑持spouse 爱人turn on you 反目构怨lots of hard feelings 怨气重重thought so. 我也这么认为mission accomplished. 结束使命jittery 神经过敏的,严峻不安的thank you for that image. 谢谢描绘得有板有眼for instance 例如live a little 花天酒地pick up the pieces 拾掇残局,从窘境中振奋have feelings come up 慨叹万千face card 花牌screw with 和谁开玩笑to-go order 外带订单utensils 餐具get out of a relationship 失恋in my defense 容我辩解what is the occasion? 是啥场合put a little spring in your step 让你大步向前


    dainty 挑剔的,俊美的take the fall 代人受罪bloat 胀大的,饮食过度的i am not having this conversation with you. 我不是在和你说话(懒得理你)make an exception 网开一面basic courtesy 根柢礼貌the only thing i get going for me 我仅有顺心的事gigantic 无量的be miserable for 为…苦楚you never,ever have my back你历来都不撑持我i have not been on top of getting sth done. 我后悔没有早点做make a real effort 真的很尽力you are not giving her much to work with. 你这样的情绪可不好take sb‘s side 站在或人一边there are no sides when it comes to family. 家人大约一条心for sb’s own sake 为了或人自个好moody 心境多变do guys get smarter over time?有朝一日男人会不会变聪明i am working on it. 我在尽力改正sentiment 多愁善感take it out on sb 拿或人出气finito (意大利语)结束了you made my day 你让我今日很高兴cross sb‘s path 遇见或人the other day 指代那天toenail clippers 脚甲钳please donnot exploit our friendship. 请别使用咱们的友谊

1. where we stand 咱们的情绪
2. timing is good. 机缘是好的。
3. as we speak 在咱们说话这会儿
4. in phase two 在第二期间
5. check this out. 听我说
6. quick question. 快速问一下
7. be up against it 面临极大困难
8. grand 一千元
9. be good for it 有偿还的才能
10. strapped 缺钱的
11. i am going paycheck to paycheck. 我也盼望薪水过日子
12. buy sb time 为或人争夺时刻
13. share expanses 平摊费用
14. roomie 室友
15. a chatty bunch 善谈的一群人
16. we are even. 咱们扯平了
17. on top of that 除此之外
18. in a middle of 处于啥的紊乱中
19. take the edge off 减轻压力
20. a fistful of 一把
21. anew 从头(adv);start the day anew
22. slumber party 睡衣派对
23. think otherwise 观点不一样
24. sustained 持续的,不变的
25. melt down 溃散
26. embezzle 移用,盗用
27. extradite 引渡
28. i am positive. 我很断定
29. a getaway plan 一个出逃计
30. gangster 坏人
31. i like myself enough for both of us. 我够喜爱我自个,把你那份也带上
32. stash 躲藏物,躲藏处
33. let me help you out. 让我帮你
34. technically speaking 技能上来讲,严肃说
35. it is not what this is about. 不是为了这个


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: