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topic1 ?旅游景点与传统文化?cultural traditions & money-making tourist attractions

topic2 ?翻译的作用?the role of translation




?topic1: ?2016暨南大学丨旅游景点与传统文化 cultural traditions & money-making tourist attractions丨以下是题干:


?some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used as money-making machines aimed at tourists. others believe it is the only way to save such traditions in the world today. discuss both sides and give your own opinion.?(400-500 words)





why are cultural traditions important?


cultural traditions are important because they transmit shared values, stories and goals from one generation to the next.?traditions?encourage?groups of people?to?create and share a collective identity, which in turn?serves to?shape individual identities.


cultural traditions are expressions of a particular group’s worldview, and they help people in that group mark significant occasions or life transitions. in many cultures,?for example, it is common to celebrate the transition between childhood and adulthood. that celebration could take the form of a?quincea?era, a latin american tradition celebrating a girl’s transition into womanhood, or it may be an australian aboriginal walkabout, when a young man undertakes a long journey through the australian bush.?the specific type of tradition may have a deep and lasting impact on?how that young person sees himself in the future.




quincea?era?西班牙文 不需要记


cultural traditions also function to strengthen a sense of community.?in the united states, thanksgiving is a national holiday during which families gather together to share a traditional meal of turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce.?similarly, the christmas holiday is usually a time when families spend time together. these cultural traditions, along with other factors, help to?reinforce?and maintain what it means to be american.





cultural traditions are important because they?transmit shared values, stories and goals from one generation to the next.?

traditions encourage?groups of people?to?create and share a collective identity, which in turn?serves to?shape individual identities.

cultural traditions also function to?strengthen a sense of community.?

for example






=writing format a= ?

introduction: paraphrase + your opinion?(+thesis statements)

paragraph 1: discuss the first view + example

paragraph 2: discuss the second view + example

paragraph 3: discuss the third view + example

conclusion: give your summary about this topic


=writing format a= ?

introduction: paraphrase + your opinion (+thesis statements)

main paragraph: discuss 2-3 views + the examples

conclusion: give your summary about this topic



=model essay=


cultural traditions play a pivotal role in the development of human civilization, and it is irrefutable that almost all the countries, whether rich or underdeveloped, promote their domestic tourism by turning many cultural traditions into?“sightseeing zones”①. some individuals support such practices, reckoning that it is the only way to?“keep them alive”, while some others hold the opposite point of view, arguing that the cultural traditions made into?“cash cows”?are doomed to destruction②. personally, i agree with the idea of the former③.


first and foremost, one of the most important meaning of cultural traditions is to transmit share values, stories and goals from one generation to another. therefore, it is fair to say that these sites would provide tremendous benefits for cultural spreading when they are turned into tourist attractions①. numerous cultural-loaded places and activities are becoming trivial for contemporary people②. by visiting these places during travelling, people will get a better understanding of the culture and history of the country they visit, which presents an excellent way to protect and preserve them③. secondly, making cultural heritages famous touristic attractions ensures better maintenance④. to be more specific, the large amount of money brought by tourist industry enables the government to cope with the extremely high maintenance fee and even employ state-of-the-art technologies to keep a far better condition of the traditional sites in the long run⑤. it may sounds reasonable that the more tourists visit historical places, the more damage they may bring to the cultural traditions, but it is true that tourism can help a nation to develop and represent itself⑥. as more visitors come to see and appreciate these attractions, they would obtain more public attention and thus being cherished more than the arguers’?imagine⑦.?


in conclusion, although?some?people hold the view that tourists will?cause?great damage to cultural traditions,?it is undeniable that, as what has been mentioned above, the only way to preserve cultural traditions is to let them be known and viewed by people as much as possible. i truly believe that with proper guidance and publicity, we will see a growing number of visitors who finally come to know the culture-based significance of these attractions. and no matter what, it is far from smart for any country to boost economy at the expense of their historic interest and natural beauty. (415 words)




??topic2: ?2016华南理工丨翻译的作用?the role of translation丨以下是题干:


write an essay of at least 400 words in english with the title listed below.?

the role of translation in chinese culture going global



?please comment on the following quote in no fewer than 300 words:



the 2012 nobel literature prize winner mo yan once said:”without the translator, world literature is just a hollow word.”?















葛浩文(howard goldblatt),美国著名的汉学家,是2012年诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言作品的英文译者。出生于1939年,20世纪60年代服役期间在台湾学习汉语,后获得印第安纳大学中国文学博士学位。 目前是英文世界地位最高的中国文学翻译家,已经翻译了30多个中文作家的60多部作品 ,是有史以来翻译中文小说最多的翻译家。











魔幻现实主义hallucinatory realism

《红高粱》 red sorghum

《檀香刑》 sandalwood death

《丰乳肥臀》 big breasts and wide hips

《酒国》 the republic of wine

《生死疲劳》 life and death are wearing me out








golden treasury of tang and song poetry 汉英对照 许渊冲译


golden treasury of yuan, ming, qing poetry


the romance of western bower?

动地诗 ?中国现代革命家诗词选 ?

earth-haking songs




比如朱生豪翻译《莎士比亚全集》the complete works of william shakespeare

王佐良翻译《论读书》of study




②the role of translation in chinese culture going global




chinese culture going global





近几年来 中国文化走出去的呼声越来越激烈 谈谈你对中国文化走出去的理解和看法



词眼到底是在中国文化还是在走出去?是强调源远流长的中华文化?应该以什么样的态度对待中华文化?还是目光锁定在走出去 分析中外文化交流所需要的媒介 最后落实到翻译上?哪个更有深度?哪个更贴合主题?




language is the carrier of culture. translation is the inevitable process for a culture to be spread out.














01?importance of translation


on a serious note, translation is one of the most critical jobs in modern society. as the whole globe is coming together based on information sharing and communicative advances, it is only natural that there has been a constant demand and an unprecedented need for translation of ideas from one language to another.?①translation plays a vital role in the performance of international companies and governments alike.?②?we have had incidences in human history, where entire wars were initiated just because of misinterpretations and business relations severed due to failure of communications.?translation is no longer just the process of translating words, but has evolved into the transformation of meaning and intentions.?③



02?significance of translation


vital for multinationals

for companies which operate in multiple countries, translation is inevitable. sometimes they need to pass information or collect data from all the employees or branches across the world. in this scenario, it is necessary that they translate the information to and fro. moreover, in scenarios where they need to negotiate terms with international governments or other local companies for tie-ups, they need to have proper translation of proposals and demands.


external affairs of a nation

in today’s world, international diplomacy is the most important of all external affairs. many a times the world leaders are expected to present their ideas on situations arising in other parts of the world. it is important that those ideas are translated properly when expressed; else they can result in major catastrophes. moreover, international dialogues on different matters rest heavily on successful translation.


cultural interchange

translation of various art forms like music, films and literature from a region is necessary for global understanding of a region and its life. the plight of palestine refugees, the poverty in brazilian streets, the colorful life in spanish cities and the myths and legends of ancient india are spreading across the world, riding on the shoulder of good translation. translated films and subtitled films generate more revenue for global film industry, while translated music and literature provides added royalties to the artists. recognition from the world stage and international fame is an added bonus.


transfer of news

world events can only be transmitted accurately if the correct information is received by news agencies. this involves proper translation of news coming from local bodies and regional centers. unless proper translation is done, the news will be ambiguous and unreliable. an example for this can be seen when the government of china recently banned international news agencies from entering local regions for covering a major problem. however, information was still passed on to the world. insiders covered all the important news, which was later translated and presented to the world.


for the realization of global village

the global citizenship can only be achieved through sharing and caring. we need to be able to communicate our ideas and thoughts without delay or ambiguity. different people around the world use different languages and are most comfortable handling their online activities in their own regional languages, but they translate their thoughts in english, so that global friends can understand them.


to boost tourism

tourists around the world complain of being short-changed and tricked, as they are unfamiliar with the destinations. the primary reason for such negative experiences is the absence of proper translation. when we can offer proper translation to tourists along with genuine guidance, we assure the quality of our region as a tourist friendly destination and ensure success. this not only makes the country as a popular tourist destination, but also helps in increasing the revenue of the country men and the country as a whole.





paragraph 1



paragraph 2

1?as the whole globe is coming together based on information sharing and communicative advances, it is only natural that there has been a constant demand and an unprecedented need for translation of ideas from one language to another.?


2?translation of various art forms like music, films and literature from a region is necessary for global understanding of a region and its life.?take literature translation as an example......这样就可以跟话题①里提到的各种名家名篇串联起来构成分论点和分论据了。


for the realization of global village

the global citizenship can only be achieved through sharing and caring. we need to be able to communicate our ideas and thoughts without delay or ambiguity. different people around the world use different languages and are most comfortable handling their online activities in their own regional languages, but they translate their thoughts in english, so that global friends can understand them.


paragraph 3











ok差不多就是这样啦,有问题欢迎批评指正,正文中涉及到的背景知识可以作为百科考点积累,形成系统化的学习体系。英语学习是慢工出细活,平时一点一滴的积累会触发“蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处”的境界效果,不怕犯错,就怕知道自己错但嘴上挂着各种原因而迟迟不改,大家一起加油,遇见更好的自己(? ?_?)??




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: