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近来大师是否是彻底进入“春困”状况?中国有句鄙谚说:“春困秋乏夏瞌睡。”用英语来诠释大要就是:People tend to feel dizziness in spring, doze in su妹妹er and feel fatigue in autumn.
可以暗示委靡,困乏的单词有不少。比方:tiredness、fatigue、exhausted、weariness等等,秋乏一般就翻译为autumn weariness.
那春困你晓得用英语怎样说吗?万万别说成spring sleep啦~实在英语里有如许几种对应说法~
Springtime Lethargy
lethargy [leθdi]即暗示“无精打彩;昏睡”的寄义。据维基百科诠释,springtime lethargy是指与春天到临有关的委靡、精神降低或抑郁的状况。这类状况多是对气温升高的正常反响,也可能有医学根据,如过敏或 "逆向 "季候性感情停滞等。
Springtime lethargy refers to a state of fatigue, lowered energy, or depression associated with the onset of spring. Such a state may be caused by a normal reaction to warmer temperatures, or it may have a medical basis, such as allergies or "reverse" seasonal affective disorder. In many regions, there is a springtime peak in suicide rates.
Spring Fatigue
spring fatigue也可翻译成春天委靡综合征,比力常见。大夫诠释说人们会
Spring fatigue syndrome is very popular among the people. What is it? Doctors say it is a signal that our body sends us to let us know it is tired and lacks some of the important elements.
Spring Fever
fever是指发热,但spring fever可不是指春季发烧,而是暗示一种情感心理上的倦怠状况。由于指在春季到来的同时,人们可能会呈现的一些情感、@心%89W29%理或举%wGa84%动@上的变革,特别是轻易感触焦躁不安、懒惰。
Spring fever is any of a number of mood, physical, or behavioral changes, which may be experienced coinciding with the arrival of spring, particularly restlessness, laziness, and even amorousness.
领会完“春困”,是否是感受也有点困了?那“苏息”都学会了吗~经常使用的表达除take a rest或have/take a break,实在你还可以如许说~
take a breather
take five
take a load off
take a nap
nod off
get some shut-eye
take time off