英语自学系列 超强干货教学,高效率锻炼英语听力

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Hello everybody, I have a question for you.

大师好 我有个问题想问你们

How do you learn English with MOVIES?


When some people try to learn English with movies, they use subtitles.

当有些人试图经由过程看片子来进修英语时 他们会看字幕

The problem is that, when you're watching a movie with subtitles,

问题就在于 当你用字幕看片子时

you aren't practicing your listening skills.


Instead, you're practicing your reading skills.

相反地 你是在熬炼本身的浏览能力

This is not what you want.


Listening is much more difficult than reading.


So when you learn English, you should do more listening than reading.

以是 当你进修英语时 你应当多听少读

This is why some people watch movies twice.

这就是为甚么 有些人会把统一部片子看两遍的缘由

They watch a movie with subtitles first,

第一遍看片子时 他们是开着字幕看的

then they watch the same movie again without the subtitles to practice listening.

然后 他们会再看一遍没有字幕的片子来操练听力

Now, this is an effective way to
英语自学系列 超强干货教学,高效率锻炼英语听力插图
improve your listening,


but I think it's really boring to watch movies twice.

可是我小我认为 把统一部片子看两遍其实是太无聊了

So personally, I never use this approach. It's not for me.

以是对我来讲 我不会用这个方法来提高听力 这个法子不太合适我

So today, I want to share with you a new approach.

以是今天 我想给你分享一个新法子

This approach is pretty effective in improving your listening and vocabulary.

这类法子 对提高听力和辞汇量很是有用

And with this approach, you don't have to watch movies twice.

用了这个法子后 你就不必要看两遍片子了

Are you ready to learn about this approach?


Here's what it is.


Watching movies with "delayed" subtitles.


To use this approach, you need a movie player that can delay subtitles.

要利用这类法子的话 你必要一个可以延迟字幕的片子播放器

Now, before you watch a movie,


turn on the English subtitles and then delay the subtitles for about 2 seconds.

打开英文字幕 然
英语自学系列 超强干货教学,高效率锻炼英语听力插图(1)

This will make the subtitles appear 2 seconds later than usual.


Let me show you a movie clip,


so that you know what it's like to watch a movie with delayed subtitles.

如许你就会晓得 看延迟字幕的片子是甚么感受了


So what do you need to do when watching a movie this way?

以是 当你在用这类方法看片子时 你必要做甚么呢

Well, it's simple.


First of all, when you hear an actor speaks, try to listen with full attention.

起首 当你听到演员措辞时 试着全神灌输地听

Don't worry that you may not understand.


You can read the subtitles later when they appear.

你可以在字幕呈现的时辰 再去看一遍字幕

Now, if you can understand the actor, then don't look at the subtitles.

如今 若是你能听懂演员说的话 就不要看字幕了

Read the subtitles only if you don't understand.

当你不懂的时辰 你再去看字幕

If the actor is talking really fast,


if you feel like you need more time to read,


you can pause the movie before you read the subtitles.

你可以在字幕呈现前 按下暂停键

Now let me show you another movie clip.



This time, try not to read the subtitles unless you don't understand.

此次 测验考试着不要去看字幕 除非你真的听不懂

Are you ready? Here we go.

筹备好了吗 咱们起头吧

How did you do?


Were you able to understand the clip without reading the subtitles?

在不看字幕的环境下 你听懂了几多

If you had to read the subtitles, that's OK.

若是你必需要看字幕 那也是可以的

For most English students, movies are really difficult to understand.

@对%71g7p%付大大%5xAu9%都@英语进修者来讲 片子真的挺难去看懂的

In fact, even native speakers have trouble understanding movies sometimes.

究竟上 那些英语为母语的人 有时也很难理解片子

So in the beginning, you might have to read subtitles almost all the time.

以是 在最起头的时辰 你可能会一向离不开字幕

That's OK.


Listening is a very difficult skill to improve.

听力 原本就是一项很难提高的能力

So make sure you practice a lot and do it regularly.


And over time, your listening and your vocabulary will get better.

跟着时候的推移 你的听力和辞汇量会愈来愈好的



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: