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As concerns over the new coronavirus spread around the world, people have to make basic health decisions. They are wondering how worried they should be about getting
infected and what they should do about it.跟着对新冠病毒的担心活着界范畴内舒展,人们必需做出开端的卫生决议计划。他们想晓得本身对被传染应当要有多担忧,和应当若何应答。

Some decision can have unexpected results however. For example, because of fears over getting infected, large numbers of people have bought masks to cover their faces. This led United States Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams to write this message on Twitter: "Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS"可是某些决议计划可能会发生不测成果。比方,因为担忧被传染,很多人买了口罩佩带。这让美外洋科大夫杰罗姆·亚当斯博士在推特上写道

He noted that masks are not effective in protecting the general public. The masks should be kept available for those who really need them. He added that "if healthcare providers can't get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our co妹妹unities at risk!"他指出,口罩没法有用地庇护公家。应当把口罩留给真正必要利用它们的人。他还说:“若是医护职员没有口罩来赐顾帮衬患者,就会把医护职员和咱们的社区置入伤害当中。”

Different levels of
concern not unusual分歧水平的担心其实不罕有

It is hard to know just how concerned people should be. Someone who lives near an area with many reported cases of coronavirus may be right to be more concerned than someone who does not.人们很难晓得必要有多担忧。身旁有多起新冠病毒确诊病例的人可能比身旁没有确诊病例的人更必要担忧。

But experts note that people do not only make decisions based on calculations.There are also emotional and psychological influences that play a part.可是专家指出,人们不但会按照推算来做出决议。情感和生理影响也会阐扬感化。

David Ropeik is an expert on risk who retired from Harvard University in Massachusetts. He said, "Emotions are the filters through which we see facts."大卫·罗佩克是马萨诸塞州哈佛大学一名退休的危害专家。他说:“感情是咱们领会究竟的过滤器。”

Paul Slovic is a psychology professor at the University of Oregon. He said people's perception of risk can increase so that it becomes different from the advice of medical officials.保罗·斯洛维奇是俄勒冈大学的生理学传授。他说,人们对危害的认知可能会晋升,以是它会变得跟医务职员的建议有所分歧。

For example, less is known about the new coronavirus than the seasonal flu, which is blamed for far more deaths each year. But the new coronavirus is not fully understood and seems to be difficult to control.比方,人们对新冠病毒的认知要少于季候性流感,季候性流感是每一年造成更多灭亡的祸首恶首。可是新冠病毒还没有被人们彻底领会,并且彷佛更难节制。

Slovic said that because "there is no vaccine that can prevent it" and it spreads easily, news of the disease hurts our personal sense of control. He said our sense of risk increases when we do not feel like we know what to do to protect ourselves.斯洛维奇暗示,由于当前没有新冠病毒的疫苗,而且它更易传布,是以关于这类疾病的消息侵害了咱们小我的节制感。他说,当咱们不晓得该怎样做才能庇护本身的时辰,咱们的危害意识就会晋升。

At the same time, the information that people are getting from the news and social media does not ease their concerns, Slovic said. He noted that reports place attention on people getting sick and dying and not on less serious cases.斯洛维奇暗示,与此同时,人们重新闻和社交媒体获得的信息其实不能减缓他们的担心。他指出,消息报导存眷的是濒临灭亡的患者,而不是轻症患者。

To make matters worse, "everybody is telling everybody about it," Ropeik said. This increases the perceived risk.罗佩克暗示,更糟的是,人们都在传这些。这增长了认知危害。

Vincent Covello is director of the Center for Risk Co妹妹unication, a business advisory group. He has a list of 17 psychological influences that people consider when they think about risk. For example, he said people worry more when they do not trust the officials or agencies in charge.文森特·科维罗是危害沟通中间的主任,这是一家贸易咨询机构。他列出了人们在斟酌危害时会斟酌到的17种生理影响。比方,当人们不信赖卖力此事的官员或机构时,人们就会加倍担忧。

People also get more concerned about involuntary things, like exposure to an infected person than voluntary ones, like smoking or spending too much time in the sun.人们还会加倍担忧并不是出自本意的事变,比方接触传染者,而不是出自本意的事变,比方抽烟或日晒太久。

Ropeik said people can reduce their risk of overreacting by not spreading news of every little development. "Don't just share the scary parts," he advised.科维罗暗示,人们可以经由过程不要传布每条小渺小局势成长的消息来削减过分反响的危害。他建议:“不要光分享那些让人惧怕的消息。”

Finally, Ropeik said it is good idea to take a break from the 24-hour news. "Log off, put your phone down, pick up a book," he said.最后,罗佩克暗示,最佳是临时阔别24小时消息。他说:“关掉(电脑),放下手机,拿起书。”


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