- A+
A: I really had a bad luck today.
A: 我今无邪倒楣。
B: What happened?
B: 怎样了?
A: I had my cell phone stolen when shopping.
A: 我今天出去逛街时,手机被偷了。
B: It 's really troublesome.
B: 这简直比力忧郁。
A: Yes. The cell phone itself is not so important, but the information stored in it is important. Now, I can not even remember any phone numbers to make a call.
A: 是啊,手机自己倒没甚么,关头是内里存的工具比力首要啊。如今我想接洽他人一下都想不起来号码了。
B: You'd better
go to the mobile phone company office to recover your number as soon as possible.
B: 我感觉你最佳仍是从速去挪动业务大厅,打点补卡手续。
A: Well, first I have to buy another cell phone. Spend money again!
A: 嗯,我还得先去买个手机回来,又要费钱了。
B: Ha-ha, the new one will come only after
the old one leaves.
B: 呵呵,旧的不去,新的不来嘛。
A: And the trouble also comes.
A: 贫苦也随着一起来了。
B: Just be careful to be out in future.
B: 今后出去时谨慎点吧。
A: You are right. Thieves are a real problem now.
A: 是啊,如今这些小偷真是个问题。
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