读报刊学英语 你妈注定让你抓狂-精读笔记01

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读报刊学英语 你妈注定让你抓狂-精读笔记01插图









I am far from alone in this. Psychologists even have a term to describe the way we fall back into predictable, maddening behavior patterns when we’re with our family of origin. It’s called family systems theory — the notion that families have an equilibrium, and each person has a fixed role that “is in service of keeping the family system intact,” said Pooja Lakshmin, M.D., a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at the George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences. So whatever your established role is — whether you’re the appeaser, or the family clown, or the petulant one —
读报刊学英语 你妈注定让你抓狂-精读笔记01插图(1)
you’re going to be thrown right back there the second you walk through the door of your childhood home.



①Psychologists even have a term to describe the way ②we fall back into predictable, maddening behavior patterns ③when we’re with our family of origin.


②是省掉了that或in which的定语从句,这儿多说一句,读外刊的时分咱们假定多留心的话会发现,两个描述词之间多用一个逗号“,”离隔就行了,而无须运用到and,正如这儿的“predictable, maddening behavior patterns”;③是嵌套在定语从句中的状语从句。



①It’s called family systems theory ②— the notion ③that families have an equilibrium, and each person has a fixed role ④that “is in service of keeping the family system intact,”⑤said Pooja Lakshmin, M.D., ⑥ a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at the George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences.


本句是宾语为直接引语的主从复合句。⑤是主句,⑥是⑤中Pooja Lakshmin的同位语,用来阐明其身份;①—④构成直
读报刊学英语 你妈注定让你抓狂-精读笔记01插图(2)
接引语,是宾语从句,作动词said的宾语;其间①是宾语从句的骨干有些,②破折号后“the notion”是family systems theory,阐明“家庭体系理论”这一概念,再经过③这个同位语从句,进一步说明“the notion”的具体内容是and联接的两个并排句;在这个同位语从句中又嵌套了一个定语从句,that指代a fixed role。


far from 在间隔上标明“远离……”;在程度上标明“远非……”,约等于not;e.g. It is far from clear (= it is not clear) what he intends to do. 他方案怎样做一点都不理解。

family of origin原生家庭;更口语一点可以说the family you are born into。

family systems theory家庭体系理论;家庭体系理论是一种关于人类心境活动与交游行为的理论。在说明人的心境活动上,家庭体系理论独出机杼地将整个家庭看作一个心境单位来查询,将人看作彼此相关的规划中的要素,而不是自立的精力实体。


e.g. The point at which the solid and the liquid are in equilibriumis called the freezing point. 固体和液体的平衡点叫做冰点。

e.g. We have achieved an equilibrium in the economy. 咱们已在经济上抵达平衡。

in service of :为……效能,谋福于;

e.g. The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates Qu Yuan, a minister in the service of the Chu Emperor.

intact:complete and not damaged 无缺无损;无缺;一般不必在名词前;

e.g. Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years. 尽管过了两百年,这房子的大有些还坚持无缺。



①So whatever your established role is ②— whether you’re the appeaser, or the family clown, or the petulant one — ③you’re going to be thrown right back there ④the second you walk through the door of your childhood home.


语句的骨干是③,①是whatever引导的让步状语从句,其意恰当于no matter what;②用了一对破折号,举例阐明①中的“your established role”,是“whether A, or B, or C”规划;④,“the second”后接从句,恰当于连词的作用,标明“一……就……”。


appeaser劝慰人;appease,动词, 标明抚慰、劝慰;

clown:an entertainer who wears funny clothes and a large red nose and does silly things to make people laugh 丑角;小丑

e.g. Robert was always the class clown. 那时分罗伯特老是班里的活宝。在这儿,the class clown = he did silly things to make the other students laugh

the family clown:咱们可以了解为家里的活宝


在这个疑问上,我可不是一自个。心思学家甚至有一个术语来描绘回到原生家庭时,咱们身上呈现的可猜测的、令人动火的退行行为方法,它就叫做“家庭体系理论”。医学博士普佳·拉克什明(Pooja Lakshmin)是乔治华盛顿大学(the George Washington University)医学与安康科学学院精力病学的临床助理教授,他说:“在家庭体系理论中,每个家庭都有各自的平衡,每个家庭成员在坚持其家庭体系无缺的进程中都扮演着固定的人物。”所以,不管你的既定人物是啥——不管你是家庭里的抚慰者,仍是家里的活宝,仍是爱发脾气的那个——当你一踏进你的原生家庭,你就会回到你的那个人物。


Kira Birditt, Ph.D., a research associate professor at the University of Michigan who has studied tension between adult children and their parents, said that 94 percent of respondents in her study on the topic reported some kind of strife in their relationships. Research also shows that the connection between mothers and adult daughters is especially fraught; Dr. Birditt described it as “the closest and most irritating” of almost all relationships. (One of the most life-changing episodes of my early adulthood was noticing my own mother get sulky at something her mother said.)


①Kira Birditt, Ph.D., ②a research associate professor at the University of Michigan ③who has studied tension between adult children and their parents, ④said ⑤that 94 percent of respondents in her study on the topic reported some kind of strife in their relationships.


语句的骨干是①和④,①是主句的主语,②是Kira Birditt的同位语,用来阐明其身份,其间③是个定语从句,who指代a research associate professor;④是主句的谓语,⑤是宾语从句,作said的宾语;


Ph.D.:指Doctor of Philosophy,哲学博士;上一段的M.D.是medical doctor,医学博士;

adult children成年子孙

strife 冲突;争斗

e.g. 塔吉克民族巨大诗人鲁达基曾写道,“智者寻求仁慈与平缓,愚者才醉心争持和战争。”As the great Tajik poet Rudaki wrote, “The wise pursue kindness and peace; only the fool are bent on strife and war.”

fraught /frt/ :焦虑的,担忧的,可以用tense替换;fraught还常常接with,fraught with sth标明“充溢(不开心思物)的”

e.g. 在应战层出不穷、风险日益增多的当今世界,我国将自始自终站在平缓与正义的一边。In a world fraught with challenges and mounting risks, China will remain on the side of peace and justice.



密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的研讨副教授基拉·贝迪特(Kira Birditt)博士研讨过成年子孙与父母之间的严峻联络,她说,在这项研讨中,94%的受访者标明与父母的联络存在某种冲突。研讨还标明,母亲和成年的女儿之间的联络特别严峻。贝迪特博士称这种联络是几乎一切联络中“最亲近又最恼人的”。(在我刚成年的时分,最能改动我人生的其间一件作业就是,我留心到我的母亲对她母亲说的话很生气。)


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: