职场英语 公司的HR们到底都在做些什么

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The hiring manager is usually the individual who will ultimately supervisecandidates if they are hired for a particular job. As such, he or she has themost detailed knowledge of the position for which the employer is recruiting.The hiring manager will play the most influential role in the screening andselection process.


The hiring manager creates or revises the job description for a vacancy andconveys the requirements for the job to the Human Resources office.


She reviews advertisements for the job after they
职场英语 公司的HR们到底都在做些什么插图
have been drawn up byHuman Resources.


How Applicants Are Screened


In some organizations, all resumes and application materials will beforwarded to the hiring manager for initial screening. In other cases, arepresentative from Human Resources will review resumes to make sure candidatesmeet the basic job requirements and then forward a batch of resumes to thehiring manager.


Often, the hiring manager will select and assemble a search committee,which is a group of individuals with an interest in and perspective about thejob to help screen and interview candidates.


For lower level positions such as secretaries, laborers, and retail salesassociates, the hiring manager might conduct the process alone without acommittee, or delegate the initial steps to an assistant manager.


The Interview Process


In some cases, initial interviews will be carried out by recruiters fromthe Human Resources department or contract employment agencies.


In other instances, the hiring manager or her designee might conducttelephone or in-person screening interviews in order to select a few finalistsfor interviews with the hiring committee.


The hiring manager will collect and consider evaluations completed byindividuals who have met with the finalists during the interview day at theorganization's facility. He will often lead a discussion at a meeting of thecommittee members in order to formulate a recommendation regarding whichcandidate to hire.


In other cases, the hiring manager will ask the committee members to sharetheir individual appraisal of the candidates in writing, and will make adecision without drawing a consensus.


How Hiring Decisions Are Made


The decision of a hiring manager will often be subject to review and finalapproval by his or her manager.


Human Resources also usually reviews hiring decisions to make sure thehiring manager has complied with all of the employer's policies.


So as a candidate for a job, you should pay careful attention to the needsand preferences of the hiring manager as you draft your applicationmaterials.


If possible, conduct informational interviews with professional contacts oralumni
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in comparable positions to sharpen your perspective regarding theexpectations of hiring managers in your sector.


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