
  • A+

Word List 1

一、 词汇自测: 请在横线上写出下列单词的汉语意思。

1. accent 2. access 3. account

4. accumulate 5. available 6. blast

7. bleed 8. champion 9. channel

10. coarse 11. concerning 12. constitute

13. custom 14. cycle 15. damage

16. damp 17. dull 18. eager

19. earn 20. earnest 21. ease

22. exhaust 23. female 24. fertile

25. festival 26. glorious 27. glow

28. halt 29. illegal 30. illustrate

31. image 32. jealous 33. joint

34. keen 35. kingdom 36. lack

37. lag 38. margin 39. marvel(l)ous

40. neighborhood 41. nervous 42. objection

43. objective 44. particular 45. precise

46. radiation 47. range 48. salad

49. scenery 50. textile

二、 词汇过关: 熟记下列单词的汉语意思及其用法。

accent n. ①噪音, 腔调 ②重音, 重音符号

a Russian ~ 俄国口音

the ~ of a word 词的重音

access n. ①接近(或进入)的机会, 享用机会 ②通道, 入口

the ~ to the king 接近国王的机会

the ~ to the farm 进入农场的通道

account n. ①叙述, 说明 ②账, 账户

an ~ of what has happened 对所发生事情的描述

open an ~ in a bank 在银行里开立账户

vi. (for)说明(原因等)

~ for one's absence from work说出旷工的原因

accumulate vt. 积累, 积聚

~ earth and stones 堆积泥土和石块

vi. 累积, 聚积

~ rubbish 堆积垃圾

available a. 可利用的, 可得到的

the rooms ~ 可用的房间

blast n. ①爆炸 ②一阵(疾风等), 一股(强烈的气流)

the responsibility for the ~ 对这次爆炸负责

a ~ of wind 一阵风

vt. 炸, 炸开

~ the rocks with dynamite用炸药炸掉岩石

bleed vi. 出血, 流血

~ at the nose 鼻子流血

champion n. ①冠军 ②捍卫者, 拥护者

the swimming ~ at the 25th Olympic Games 第25届奥运会游泳冠军

a ~ of educational reform 教育改革的拥护者

channel n. ①海峡, 水道, 航道 ②渠道 ③频道

the  English  Channel英吉利海峡

through  a  secret ~ 通过秘密渠道

~ 2 on TV 电视2频道

coarse a. ①粗的, 粗糙的 ②粗劣的 ③粗俗的

~ material 粗布

~ language 粗俗的语言

concerning prep. 关于

the  disputes ~ the theme of the play 关于这出戏的主题的争论

constitute vt. 组成, 构成, 形成

~ a direct threat 构成直接的威胁

custom n. ①习惯, 习俗, 惯例 ②(pl.)海关, 关税

the social ~ 社会风俗

get  through  the ~s 通过海关

cycle n. ①自行车, 摩托车 ②循环, 周期

a tour on a ~ 骑自行车旅游

the ~ of the seasons 四季的循环

vi. ①骑自行车, 骑摩托车 ②循环, 做循环运动

~ to work骑自行车去上班

Blood ~s in the human body. 血液在人体内循环。

damage vt. 毁坏, 损害 n. ①毁坏, 损害 ②(pl.)损害赔偿金

the ~d truck 毁坏的汽车

cause little ~ to the houses 对房屋造成轻微的破坏

the ~s paid by the car company 汽车公司支付的汽车赔偿费

damp a. 潮湿的, 微湿的 n. 潮湿, 湿气

the ~ weather 潮湿的天气

the ~ in the clothes 衣服的湿气

dull a. ①枯燥的 ②不鲜明的, 晦暗的,阴沉的 ③(声音)低沉的, 沉闷的 ④愚钝的 ⑤钝的

a ~ book 一本枯燥无味的书

the ~ weather 阴沉的天气

a ~ voice 低沉的语调

a ~ student 一个愚笨的学生

a ~ knife 一把钝刀子

eager a. 热切的, 渴望的

be ~ to go abroad 渴望出国

earn vt. 挣得, 赚得, 获得

~ him respect and admiration 使他赢得了人们的敬佩

earnest a. 认真的, 热切的

an ~ young man一位认真的年轻人

ease n. ①容易 ②舒适, 安逸

win a gold medal with ~ 轻而易举地获得金牌

a life of ~ 安闲舒适的生活

v. 缓和, 减轻

~ sb. of the pain 减轻某人的痛苦

exhaust vt. ①使精疲力尽 ②用尽, 耗尽

~ sb. 使某人精疲力尽

~ all the money把钱都花光了

n. ①排气装置 ②废气

the ~ pipe排气管

the ~ from a car 汽车的尾气

female n. ①女子 ②雌性的动物

ask the ~ to sit down 让那个女子坐下

a ~ elephant 雌象

fertile a. ①肥沃的, 富饶的 ②丰产的, 丰富的

the ~ soil 肥沃的土壤

a very ~ animal 多产的动物

festival n. ①音乐节, 戏剧节 ②节日, 喜庆日

a film ~ 电影节

Spring Festival 春节

glorious a. ①壮丽的, 辉煌的 ②光荣的

a ~ view 壮丽的景色

a ~ feeling of independence 独立的光荣感

glow n. 光亮, 光辉

a ~ coming from cinders 灰烬中的余光

vi. 发光

~ in the dark 在黑暗中闪光

halt v. (使)停住, (使)停止 n. 停住, 停止

~ for a rest 停下来休息

illegal a. 非法的, 违规的

the ~ immigrants非法移民

illustrate vt. ①说明, 阐明 ②给……做插图说明

~ the point 举一个例子来说明观点

~ the book with line drawings用简笔画为书加上插图

image ①像, 形象 ②影像, 图像

the ~ of the president 总统像

jealous a. ①妒忌的, 羡慕的 ②猜忌的, 惟恐失去的

be ~ of her brother 妒忌她的弟弟

be ~ of his position 惟恐失去他的职位

joint n. ①接头, 接合处 ②关节

the ~ of the two pipes 两管的接头处

put ones arm out of ~ 胳膊脱臼

a. 连接的, 联合的

a ~ venture合资企业

keen a. ①热心的, 渴望的 ②激烈的, 强烈的 ③敏锐的, 敏捷的

be ~ on fishing 热衷于钓鱼

a ~ interest in pets 对宠物的强烈的兴趣

a ~ sense of smell 敏锐的嗅觉

kingdom n. ①王国 ②领域, 界

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


the ~ of philosophy 哲学界

lack v./n. 缺乏, 不足, 没有

the ~ of water 缺水

~ courtesy缺乏礼貌

lag vi. 走得慢, 落后 n. 落后, 滞后

~ behind others 落在他人的后面

finish a job without ~ 毫不拖延地完成工作

margin n. ①页边空白, 边缘 ②余地, 余裕

the ~ of a book 书的页边空白

a ~ of twenty minutes 20分钟的余裕

marvel(I)ous a. 奇迹般的, 惊人的, 了不起的

~ success 了不起的成就

neighborhood n. ①四邻, 地段 ②邻近地区, 附近

the whole ~ 四邻

the ~ of New York 纽约的附近

nervous a. ①神经紧张的, 情绪不安的 ②神经系统的, 神经性的

be ~ before an exam 考试前神经紧张

the ~ system神经系统

objection n. 反对, 异议

the ~ to her marriage 反对她的婚事

objective n. 目标, 目的 a. 客观的, 不带偏见的

political ~s 政治目的

an ~ view 客观的看法

particular a. ①特定的, 某一的 ②特殊的, 特别的, 特有的③(过分)讲究的, 挑剔的

that ~ day那天

a matter of ~ importance 一件特别重要的事情

to be ~ about the clothes 对服装很讲究

n.(常pl.)详情, 细目

the ~s of the case 案件的详情

precise a. 精确的, 准确的

be ~ in making experiments 做实验时要精确

radiation n. ①
放射物, 辐射能 ②辐射

~s from the planets 行星的放射线

a ~resistant suit 防辐射服

range n. ①幅度, 范围, 距离 ②系列 ③山脉

a wide ~ of subjects 题材范围很广

a ~ of problems 一系列的问题

the mountain ~ 山脉

vi. ①变动, 变化 ②(over)论及, 涉及 ③排列成行

~ from seven to ten 从7到10不等

~ over many subjects 涉及许多话题

~ along the bank 沿河岸排列

vt. 把……排列成行

~ the books according to use 按用途把书排列好

salad n. 色拉, 凉拌菜

a potato ~ 一份土豆色拉

scenery n. ①风景.景色 ②舞台布景

the charming ~ 迷人的风景

the ~ for the play 戏的舞台布景

textile n. 纺织品

fine ~s 精美的纺织品

a. 纺织的

~ industry 纺织业

三、 词汇验收: 从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出正确的单词来完成句子(如未能选对, 请回到 “词汇过关” 部分继续熟记该词)。

1. Please run and fetch a doctor. This man is to death.

A. drippingB. bleedingC. takingD. breeding

2. I would like to open a saving's  in your bank.

A. insurance B. detail C. amountD. account

3. As compared with wheat flour, corn flour is rather .

A. harsh B.
rudeC. coarse D. rough

4. The U.N. resolution had a clear , that is, to drive the Iraqi army out of Kuwait.

A. objective B. objectionC. goalD. mention

5. The exterior of the museum was not very impressive, but its exhibits

were .

A. ruralB. marvelous C. routine  D. royal

6. A 30-kilometre neutral zone will leave the capital out of the  of heavy weapons.

A. scale B. extent C. range D. scope

7. As he has  our patience, we'll not wait for him any longer.

A. emittedB. engagedC. exertedD. exhausted

8. energy must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake.

A. AccumulatedD. Assembled C. GatheredD. Collected

9. Many people now to work to save money and keep healthy.

A. circle B. cycleC. orbitD. switch

10. There are no tickets  for Sunday's performance.

A. desirableB. flexible C. arbitrary D. available

I knew the visitor was a woman because I could hear her  .

A. sound B. accentC. voiceD. noise

12. Among the astronomers of ancient Greece two theories developed the place of the earth in the universe.

A. supposing B. giving C. concerning D. for

13. Look out! The paint is still .

A. wet B. damp C. dumpD. fluid

14. It is  to sell and own guns in this country.

A. illegal B. idle C. intimate D. initial

15. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and above all in a quiet .

A. site B. neighborhood C. scene D. spot

16. He took  to the plan.

A. anger B. blameC. objection D. object

17. He wanted to say no, but the courage.

A. lacked B. lacking C. acquiredD. recovered

18. Bad weather caused a in the scheduled activities.

A. lag B. launch C. collisionD. column

19. Losses due to friction   in every machine
and in every organization.

A. displayB. earn C. disturb D. occur

20. Children learn their gesture when they   their parents'movements.

A. resembleB. discover C. illustrate D. imitate

21. There is shallow water on both sides of the in this river.

A. canal B. channelC. route D. path

22. She couldn't teach such   children.

A. dullB. dim C. passive D. slight

23. He has an desire to be an excellent lawyer.

A. eagerB. efficientC. adequate  D. earnest

24. He is a strong man and can lift the big stone with .

A. affectionB. obstacleC. easeD. mercy

25. The setting sun shone with a red  .

A. glowB. flashC. flow D. glimpse

26. The effective   of this rifle is 500 meters.

A. exterior B. range C. rank D. field

27. Hangzhou is remarkable for its .

A. sightB. spotC. viewD. scenery

28. A person who has been overworking is often .

A. frightenedB. scaredC. tediousD. nervous

29. This disease  a serious risk to life.

A. consists B. constitutes  C. provides D. offends

30. With our   efforts we managed to push the car back on the road.

A. respective B. individual C. average D. joint

31. He speaks with a strong southern , making it difficult for northerners to understand him.

A. tone B. accent C. language D. dialect

32. As  has it, the British people drive on the left side of the road.

A. habitB. fashionC. modeD. custom

33. The car crashed into a lamppost and was seriously .

A. wounded B. damaged C. crushed D. injured

34. There is no   to the house from the main road.

A. avenue B. access C. exit D. valley

35. More than twenty people were killed by the  of the bomb.

A. flame B. glow C. flash D. blast

36. He couldn't enough to keep his family from starvation.

A. gain B. acquire C. earn D. attain

37. He is never   of others for their wealth.

A. jealous B. curious C. crazy D. critical

38. He   his point by relating his own experiences.

A. hinted B. illustrated  C. motivated D. located

39. You shouldn't have written in the . The book belongs to the library.

A. border B. margin C. boundary D. blade

40. The vacation was of importance to her, for she was going to Switzerland.

A. keen B. glorious C. feasible D. particular




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: