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86.I would 零基础学英语资料 prefer that you did not mention my name.
I would 零基础学英语资料 prefer that you not mention my name.
I 零基础学英语资料 would prefer that you should not mention my name.
今天解析:would prefer+宾从和would rather+宾从用法区别零基础学英语资料解析
1. would 零基础学英语资料 prefer+宾从,宾从用虚拟语气;宾从零基础学英语资料除使用现在虚拟式或should+动词原形之外,还可以使用过去虚拟式:零基础学英语资料
I would prefer that 零基础学英语资料 he (should) not go to USA.=
I would prefer that 零基础学英语资料 he did not go to USA.
Val 零基础学英语资料 would presumably prefer that
you didn't get arrested. =
Val would presumably prefer that you (should) not get 零基础学英语资料 arrested.
2零基础学英语资料. would rather+宾从;宾从用虚拟语气;宾从用过去虚拟式,即零基础学英语资料
(1)、主A+ would rather +主B +零基础学英语资料 did/ were 从句一般为过去式,希零基础学英语资料望别人现在或将来做事
I’d rather 零基础学英语资料 you didn’t make any comment in the issue for the time being.
I 零基础学英语资料 would rather Lionel took it on.
I’d rather you were happy. 我愿零基础学英语资料你快乐。
I’d 零基础学英语资料 rather you came next Saturday. 我宁愿你下星期六来。
I’d rather you went tomorrow (now). 我宁愿你明天(现在零基础学英语资料)去。
I’d rather she sat (or didn’t sit) next to 零基础学英语资料 me. 我宁愿她挨着(或不挨着)我坐。
(2)、主A +would rather +主B+ had + 零基础学英语资料 P.P. 表示宁愿别人过去做某事.
David would rather that Jim 零基础学英语资料 had called at Chinese Economic and Trade Exhibitions yesterday.
I’d rather you 零基础学英语资料 hadn’t said it. 我真希望你没有这样说过。
I’d rather you hadn’t done 零基础学英语资料 that. 我宁愿你没这样做。
l’d rather you 零基础学英语资料 had been / hadn’t been present。我 (宁) 愿你当时在场 / 不在零基础学英语资料场。
l’d rather 零基础学英语资料 he had told / hadn’t told me about it 我 (宁) 愿他告诉了 / 未告诉我这件事。
Katie 零基础学英语资料 went by car and I’d rather she hadn’t. 凯蒂是坐汽车去的,我宁愿零基础学英语资料地不坐汽车去。
I have no information 零基础学英语资料 one way or the other, but I would rather he do it than not do 零基础学英语资料 it .
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