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1. 广州职场英语培训 worse [w??s广州职场英语培训 ]
adj. 更恶劣的(bad 广州职场英语培训 的比较级)
If you're 广州职场英语培训 caught, your graduation will be delayed or worse. (201广州职场英语培训4.10 概括段落大意和补全句子) 如果被抓到,你的毕业将会被延迟广州职场英语培训,或广州职场英语培训者更糟。
2. 广州职场英语培训 affect [?'广州职场英语培训fekt]
vt. 影广州职场英语培训响
Dreams affect the way 广州职场英语培训 people live and work. (2014.4 完形补文) 梦影响着人类生活和工作的方式。
3. alone 广州职场英语培训 [?'广州职场英语培训l??n广州职场英语培训 ]
adv.广州职场英语培训 独自地
Tun the TV off in the evening and spend some time playing games 广州职场英语培训 alone or with a family member. (2015.4
填句补文) 晚上关掉电视广州职场英语培训,然后一个人玩游戏或者和家里人一起玩广州职场英语培训。
4. 广州职场英语培训 along[?'l广州职场英语培训 ??]广州职场英语培训
adv. 广州职场英语培训 一起
Emily went along with 广州职场英语培训 her husband and learnt much about bridge building. (2015.4 概括段落大意和补全 句子)
5.广州职场英语培训 among [?'m广州职场英语培训 ??]广州职场英语培训
prep. 广州职场英语培训 在…之中
The 广州职场英语培训 incidence of violence is highest among urban families. (2011.4 阅读理解)
6. 广州职场英语培训 arrange[?'r广州职场英语培训 e?n(d广州职场英语培训 )?]广州职场英语培训
vt. 安广州职场英语培训排
Our parents arranged our marriage through a matchmaker. 广州职场英语培训 (2013.4 阅读理解) 我们的父母们通过媒人来安排我们的婚姻。
7. besides [广州职场英语培训b?'s广州职场英语培训 a?dz]广州职场英语培训
adv. 此广州职场英语培训外
Besides广州职场英语培训 , plants differ in 广州职场英语培训 their weather and lighting needs. (2013.10 阅读判断)
8广州职场英语培训. bit [b?t广州职场英语培训 ]
n. 少量广州职场英语培训
vt. 咬(bite 的过去式和过去分词广州职场英语培训)
? I was a bit of an idiot to
many people around me.(2013.10 阅广州职场英语培训读选择) 和周围的许多人相比,我显得有点傻广州职场英语培训。
? He bit hard on his lip to stop the tears and walked outside to wait on the bench in front of the shop.(2014.4 阅读选择) 他广州职场英语培训使劲咬着嘴唇,不让广州职场英语培训眼泪掉下来,走到广州职场英语培训外面,坐到商店前面的长椅上广州职场英语培训等着。
9. cause 广州职场英语培训 [k??z]广州职场英语培训
vt. 广州职场英语培训 引起
Finally广州职场英语培训 , the high rate of unemployment caused by these 广州职场英语培训 factors has tended to drive wages down further. (2014.10 完形补文)
10. classical ['广州职场英语培训kl?s广州职场英语培训 ?k(广州职场英语培训?)l广州职场英语培训 ]
adj. 广州职场英语培训 古典的;经典的
I enjoyed 广州职场英语培训 listening to classical music, never watched 广州职场英语培训 TV, and almost never watched 广州职场英语培训 movies. (2013.10 阅读选择)
1广州职场英语培训1. clear [kl??]广州职场英语培训
adj. 广州职场英语培训 清楚的
To be on the safe 广州职场英语培训 side,
always make it clear where the information comes 广州职场英语培训 from. (2014.10 概括段落大意和补全句子) 安全起见,要弄清楚这些信息出自广州职场英语培训于哪里。
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