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A假设你是晨光中哪里有英语外教学的学生李津。你正参加与法国巴黎友好校以“畅想奥运盛哪里有英语外教事”为主题的线上英语交流活动。友好校的学生Chris得知新近发布的20哪里有英语外教22年北京冬奥会的主题口号(official motto)是“一起向未来(Together for a Shared Future)”,认为这个口号非常棒哪里有英语外教。他请你进一步哪里有英语外教谈谈看法。请你根据以下提示进行发言:(1)哪里有英语外教向Chris表示感谢并认同他的看法;(2)你对口号的理解(体现奥运精神、同享共创未来、中国发出邀请等);(3)对2022年北京冬奥会及2024巴黎奥运会筹备工作表达祝愿。
【参考范文】Hi哪里有英语外教 , 哪里有英语外教 Chris,I want to express my most sincere appreciation to you. As far as I am 哪里有英语外教 concerned, you are definitely right. I can't agree more. The official motto of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is 哪里有英语外教 consistent with the core values and vision of the Olympic. We hope to convey to the world several layers of meaning, the first of which is the need to work together in the future. Current COVID - 19 brings 哪里有英语外教 all mankind the global challenge, so only by helping each other can we build a beautiful 哪里有英语外教 future together. Second, China is inviting 哪里有英语外教 the world to join hands.In the end,I present my best wishes for the preparations for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and 2024 Paris 哪里有英语外教 Olympics.Thank you.
【参考范文】Lin 哪里有英语外教 Dan, also nicknamed “Super 哪里有英语外教 Dan”, was born in 1983 in Fujian Province. He is considered 哪里有英语外教 to be one of the most outstanding badminton players in the world. When he was young, he showed a strong 哪里有英语外教 interest in playing badminton. Then, he made great efforts to play badminton and was 哪里有英语外教 admitted to the national team eventually. In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, he won the champion.But what impresses me most is his wonderful performance in 2012 London 哪里有英语外教 Olympics, when he competed with another excellent player Li Zongwei. With his professional skills and 哪里有英语外教 perseverance, he overcame all the difficulties 哪里有英语外教 and finally won the competition, becoming the 哪里有英语外教 world champion. Because of this, his spirits will 哪里有英语外教 never stop influencing me, pushing 哪里有英语外教 me to work hard to achieve my goal.
【参考范文】The Olympic Games are an international multi-sport event taking place every four years and comprising summer and winter games.Beginning 哪里有英语外教 in 776 BC,they were originally held 哪里有英语外教 in Olympia,Greece until 393 哪里有英语外教 AD. In 1896,they were 哪里有英语外教 revived by a French nobleman,Pierre 哪里有英语外教 Frèdy,Baron de 哪里有英语外教 Coubertin, thus beginning the era of the Modern Olympic Games. It's well-known that Beijing held the 29th Olympic Games 哪里有英语外教 in 2008,which is a belt of the east and west 哪里有英语外教 culture. It advances the two different culture system's development.The 2022 Winter Olympics is around the corner.I sincerely hope it will be a great success.


“哪里有英语外教与恐惧的关系正在演变。她想哪里有英语外教了很多。她写日记哪里有英语外教,她说哪里有英语外教,她的一些手写条目哪里有英语外教记录了各种形式的恐惧主题。应《纽约时报》的哪里有英语外教要求,顾写下了她对恐惧的看法—哪里有英语外教—她如何看待它,如何应哪里有英语外教对它,她希望如何战胜它哪里有英语外教!。” --- 纽约哪里有英语外教时报
I 哪里有英语外教 Admit,I‘m In Love With FearEssay by Elieen 哪里有英语外教 Gu
FOR THE LAST 10 OF 哪里有英语外教 MY 18 YEARS, I’ve 哪里有英语外教 pursued a tumultuous love affair with fear. I’m a professional freeskier, and twin-哪里有英语外教tipped skis, 22-foot halfpipes 哪里有英语外教 and double-cork rotations are my main sources of adrenaline, the truly addictive core 哪里有英语外教 of extreme sports.
Like all bewitching lovers (at least the ones in the novels 哪里有英语外教 I read, for lack of real-world 哪里有英语外教 experience), this significant other can be … mercurial. “Fear” is really an umbrella term for three distinct sensations: 哪里有英语外教 excitement, 哪里有英语外教 uncertainty, and pressure. I’ve learned that the 哪里有英语外教 nuanced indicators of each of these feelings can be instrumental to success when recognized and positively leveraged, and harbingers 哪里有英语外教 of injury when ignored.
Though it’s easy 哪里有英语外教 to label extreme sport athletes as fearless or capricious, the countless hours I’ve spent visualizing tricks and practicing them in foam pits (foam. particles. everywhere) and on airbags (think giant Slip ’N Slide) suggest otherwise. It’s biologically counterintuitive 哪里有英语外教 for us to place ourselves in positions of risk, 哪里有英语外教 and while we make every effort to physically prepare, no amount of metaphorically safety-netted practice can equate to the unforgiving snow slope that rushes up to meet 哪里有英语外教 us after a steep kicker launches us into the air. Instead of ignoring fear, we build unique relationships 哪里有英语外教 with it by developing a profound sense of self-awareness and making deliberate risk assessments.

The work begins with 哪里有英语外教 visualization. Before I attempt a new trick, I 哪里有英语外教 feel a tightening high in my chest, between the base of my throat and the top of my diaphragm. I take a 哪里有英语外教 deep breath and close my eyes. As I ascend the gargantuan takeoff ramp, I imagine extending my 哪里有英语外教 legs to maximize lift. Then I picture twisting my upper body in the opposite direction I intend to spin, generating torque before I allow it to 哪里有英语外教 snap back the other way.
Now哪里有英语外教 , in 哪里有英语外教 my mind, I’m airborne. I see the backside of the 哪里有英语外教 takeoff immediately, then 哪里有英语外教 my flip draws my vision to the cloudless sky above me. My ears register the wind as a kind of song, every 360-degree rotation providing the beat to the music of my 哪里有英语外教 motion. As my feet come under me halfway through, I spot the landing for the briefest of moments before I pull my body into the second flip. I imagine my legs swinging under me as I 哪里有英语外教 return to a forward-facing position and meet the ground with my weight in the front of my boots. 1440 degrees. I smile. Then I open my eyes.
In the split second following my 哪里有英语外教 visualization, the knot 哪里有英语外教 in my chest flutters and spreads — those famous butterflies reaching their final stage of metamorphosis. Excitement, the child of 哪里有英语外教 adrenaline, my true love and addiction. That 哪里有英语外教 tantalizingly precarious balance between confidence in my ability to execute the trick safely and excitement for the unpredictable experience to come. I’ve heard this state called “the zone,” which is indeed where I was when I became the first female skier in history to land the double cork 哪里有英语外教 1440 last fall.
It 哪里有英语外教 doesn’t take much, 哪里有英语外教 unfortunately, for uncertainty to override confidence. 哪里有英语外教 Imperfect preparation moistens my palms, pushes that tight 哪里有英语外教 spot down into my stomach and makes each breath shallower than the last. The feeling isn’t panic, but something like 哪里有英语外教 dread. Danger! cries every evolutionary instinct. If I should choose to look past 哪里有英语外教 this safety mechanism, my body may act autonomously in 哪里有英语外教 the air, twisting out of the rotation and forcing me to brace for impact out of fear that full commitment to the trick may end in disaster. Every freeskier’s goal is to recognize the minute differences 哪里有英语外教 between excitement and uncertainty in order to maximize performance while minimizing the risk of injury.
Fi哪里有英语外教 nally, 哪里有英语外教 there’s pressure, an energy source that can be wielded in many 哪里有英语外教 ways. One’s experience of pressure — by far the most subjective facet of “fear” — is affected by personal experiences and perspectives. Expectations of family and friends, a 哪里有英语外教 competitive streak, or even sponsorship 哪里有英语外教 opportunities can provide the scaffolding for a high-pressure environment. Pressure can be a positive force for competitors who leverage it to rise to the occasion, but it can also single-handedly dictate competitive 哪里有英语外教 failure.
But whether athletes alleviate or compound 哪里有英语外教 their innate desire to “prove themselves” depends largely on confidence. As I enter my early adulthood, I’m proud of the work I’ve
done to cope with pressure by bolstering my self-esteem and 哪里有英语外教 minimizing my need for external validation. I focus on gratitude, 哪里有英语外教 perspective, and on the joy this 哪里有英语外教 sport brings me, regardless of whether I’m alone or in front of a worldwide TV audience. Though my views of myself 哪里有英语外教 and the world are constantly evolving, one thing is for certain: 哪里有英语外教 no matter how much time passes, I’ll 哪里有英语外教 always be a hopeless romantic when it comes to fear.
热爱可哪里有英语外教抵漫长岁月,可抵旅途哪里有英语外教、伤痛和恐惧。在这篇名为《I Admit It.
I'm in Love With 哪里有英语外教 Fear 》的结尾,谷爱凌这样写道:“无论孤身一人还是面向整哪里有英语外教个世界,我都专注于感哪里有英语外教恩当下、判断当下,并享哪里有英语外教受体育带给我的快乐。虽哪里有英语外教说我个人和这个世界的视角总会随着时间的推移而演变,但有一件哪里有英语外教事是不会变的:无论时间过了多久,在恐哪里有英语外教惧面前的我都会是一个无可救药的浪漫主义者。!”哪里有英语外教
Eileen Gu hopes to inspire 哪里有英语外教 young women in China through sportsl SportsCenter Asia

谷爱凌 :一哪里有英语外教叶障目,不见哪里有英语外教泰山

谷爱凌曾在采访中还引用成语来讲滑雪对哪里有英语外教于自己的意义:“一叶障目,不见哪里有英语外教泰山,roughly translated is that have greater perspective of things that are greater than myself. It was about inspiring younger girls who maybe 哪里有英语外教 didn't what the sport is, they didn't know 哪里有英语外教 what extreme sports in general work.”“一叶障目,不哪里有英语外教见泰山,粗略翻译过哪里有英语外教来就是,要用更大的视角来看待哪里有英语外教超越自己的伟大事物。我做的事哪里有英语外教是,鼓舞激哪里有英语外教励更年轻的女孩们,即使她们原本不知道花样滑雪哪里有英语外教是什么,不知道极限运动是怎哪里有英语外教样进行的。
谷哪里有英语外教爱凌,2003年出生于美国旧金山San 哪里有英语外教 Francisco 父亲是美国人,哈佛大学高哪里有英语外教材生;母亲是中国人,毕哪里有英语外教业于北大和斯坦!。早哪里有英语外教年她曾代表美国参赛,2哪里有英语外教019年她于意大利获得个人首枚世界杯金牌,之后便宣布决定加入中国国哪里有英语外教籍,代表中哪里有英语外教国参赛。Eileen Gu 哪里有英语外教 was born in San Francisco, California to an American father and a Chinese mother. While competing 哪里有英语外教 for the United States in her earlier years, Gu announced her decision to ski for China in 2019 after her first 哪里有英语外教 World Cup win in Italy.所以谷爱凌还是混血儿:multiracial/mixed-race childrenShe is half Chinese, half 哪里有英语外教 American.她是中美混血儿。01哪里有英语外教
努力是成就的一部分作为X 哪里有英语外教 Games阿斯本站首次参赛的选手,谷爱凌最终以两金哪里有英语外教一铜的好成绩,成为哪里有英语外教单届比赛中获得最多奖牌的中国选手。
In the 哪里有英语外教 interview, Gu confided that the energy and drive "to do your 哪里有英语外教 best," 哪里有英语外教 that had been ingrained in her by her diminutive, octogenarian 哪里有英语外教 grandmother, was a key catalyst that carried her to 哪里有英语外教 victory.
在新华社采访中哪里有英语外教,谷爱凌透哪里有英语外教露“尽你所能”的精力和动力是她80多岁的祖母给她灌输的,这也哪里有英语外教是她走向胜利的关键催化剂。Gu 哪里有英语外教 credited her XGames success to a relentless training regimen, 8.5 hours a 哪里有英语外教 day, even during 哪里有英语外教 competitions, for polishing her tricks and giving her the confidence 哪里有英语外教 to excel.
"Knowing my competition had more 哪里有英语外教 time on snow, I knew I needed 哪里有英语外教 that intense regimen to be competitive," she told 哪里有英语外教 Xinhua.
是滑雪天才也是学习能手媒体用skiing 哪里有英语外教 sensation(滑雪新星)来形容她,但是区别于追求哪里有英语外教专业极致的体育生,谷爱哪里有英语外教凌在做专业运动员的同时也是一位全职学生。她靠自己勤奋刻哪里有英语外教苦的学习,提前从高中毕业备战冬奥哪里有英语外教会,并以near perfect SAT score:15哪里有英语外教80的成绩(满分1600)在2020年底被斯坦福大学录取。She reportedly scored 1,580 points out of a maximum 哪里有英语外教 1,600 in the 哪里有英语外教 SAT, the test used for college admissions 哪里有英语外教 in the United States, and has been offered a place at 哪里有英语外教 Stanford.
讲到平衡学业和运动事业的哪里有英语外教秘诀,她说:“I do it full-heartedly 哪里有英语外教 and whole-heartedly.”我做这件事时全心全意。

What makes a professional athlete also a top student 哪里有英语外教 in the classroom? Gu concluded that her 哪里有英语外教 secrets are"passion, focus and 哪里有英语外教 balance."
Gu 哪里有英语外教 was born and raised in San Francisco, but surprised 哪里有英语外教 U.S. sports experts when she announced in 2019 she would compete for China, and had her eyes 哪里有英语外教 set on the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.谷爱凌在旧金山出生和长大,但她在2019年宣哪里有英语外教布她将代表中国参赛,并将目光投向了2022年的哪里有英语外教北京冬奥会,这让美国体哪里有英语外教育专家感到意外。

从2020年青奥会和哪里有英语外教世界杯,到2021年X 哪里有英语外教 GAME和世锦赛,谷爱凌一直都在给我哪里有英语外教们带来惊喜。










第三集:打工子弟的十哪里有英语外教年 从放牛班到签约名校!





1.v+ ment 结尾achieve —— achievement 成就advertise —— 哪里有英语外教 advertisement 广告agree —— agreement 同意amuse——amusement 娱乐commit —— commitment 承诺,奉献develop —— 哪里有英语外教 development 发展disagree —— disagreement 不赞同equip 装备 —— equipment 装备,器材govern 统治 —哪里有英语外教— government 政府manage——management 经营,管理argue —— argument 争吵2.V+ ion 结尾attract —— attraction 哪里有英语外教 吸引discuss —— discussion 讨论express ——-expression 词语;表达instruct —— instruction 用法说明invent—— invention 发明predict ——prediction 预言impress —— impression 印象suggest ——suggestion 建议,暗示educate —— education 教育graduate —— graduation 哪里有英语外教 毕业operate —— operation 操作,动手术illustrate —— 哪里有英语外教 illustration 阐明,举例说明pollute —— pollution 污染introduce ——哪里有英语外教introduction 介绍organize ——organization组织imagine —— imagination 想象力inspire——inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的哪里有英语外教事invite —— invitation 邀请compete —— competition 竞争,比赛pronounce ——pronunciation发音admit —— admission 承认permit —— 哪里有英语外教 permission 允许conclude —— conclusion 结论decide —— decision 决定describe —— description描写,描绘resolve —— resolution 哪里有英语外教 决心solve ——solution 解决方法3.V+ ance 结尾allow —— allowance 允许appear —— appearance 外貌 ,出现perform —— performance 哪里有英语外教 演出exist —— existence 存在4.V+ ing 结尾end —— ending 结尾,结局train ——training训练mean —— meaning 意义say—— saying 谚语remind —— reminding提醒 bathe ——bathing沐浴5.词尾加-er或-or后变成表示“某一类人”的名词work——worker 工人teach——teacher老师sing——singer 歌手jump——jumper跳高运动员play——player表演者、运动员learn——learner 学习者visit——visitor访问者invent——inventor发明家6.V+ 其他beg——beggar 乞丐sit——seat 座位believe —— belief 信仰behave —— behavior 行为know—— knowledge 知识fly—— flight 飞行mix —— mixture 混合物press —— pressure 压力serve —— service 哪里有英语外教 服务succeed ——success 成功pursue —— pursuit 追求,从事propose —— proposal 哪里有英语外教 建议withdraw —— withdrawal 取钱;收回;撤退survive —— survival--survivor 幸存者arrive —— arrival到达analyze —— analysis 分析2


1.词尾ent改为ency或enceefficient有效率的——efficiency 效率patient——patience/impatience 哪里有英语外教 耐性/无耐心dependent——dependence依赖性independent——independence 独立性urgent——urgency 紧急2.ble结尾,ble改为bilitypossible——possibility 哪里有英语外教 可能responsible——responsibility 责任;职责3.其他accurate——accuracy 准确性prosperous——prosperity 繁荣true——truth 真相wide——width 宽度long——length 长度high——height 高度3


1.名词+yguilt 罪恶——guilty 哪里有英语外教 内疚的health——healthy 健康的luck——lucky 幸运的cloud——cloudy 多云的wind—windy 多风的rain——rainy 多雨的snow——snowy 多雪的tourist —— touristy 游客多的er结尾,改er为ryhunger——hungry 哪里有英语外教 饥饿的anger —— angry 生气的 fog—— foggy 有雾的sun—— sunny 阳关灿烂的fur—— furry 毛皮的 shine——shiny 发亮的taste —— tasty 美味的2. 名词/动词+ ed
以辅音+辅音结尾的单词哪里有英语外教,直接加edtalent —— talented 有天赋的offend 哪里有英语外教 ——offended 生气的crowd ——crowded 拥挤的 以元音字母e结尾的单词直接加dbalance —— balanced 平衡的organize——organized 有组织的pollute ——polluted 被污染的please ——pleased 高兴的 元音加辅音结尾的单词,词尾辅音双写再加edspot —— spotted 有斑点的3.名词+ ful/lesscare —— careful/ careless 小心的/ 粗心的help—— helpful / helpless 有帮助的/ 无助的use—— useful/ useless有用的 / 无用的meaning —— meaningful / meaningless有意义的/无意义的colour—— colourful /colourless多彩的/无色的pain 疼痛 ——painful /painless痛苦的/ 不痛的thank—— thankful / thankless 充满感激的/ 不知感恩的 peace 和平 —— peaceful 和平的play游戏 —— playful 爱玩耍的home —— homeless 无家可归的4.名词/动词+ ablechange —— changeable 易变的adjust——adjustable 哪里有英语外教 可调整的comfort——comfortable 舒适的knowledge——knowledgeable 知识渊博的suit ——suitable 合适的 动词以辅音加y结尾 把y变i 加able ,deny—— 哪里有英语外教 deniable 可否认的rely—— reliable 可靠的5.名词+ ouscourage——courageous 勇敢的danger—— dangerous 危险的 以y结尾,改y为i再加ousmystery 神秘—— mysterious 神哪里有英语外教秘的6.ce 变 tconfidence—— confident 自信的difference——different 不同的dependence —— dependent 依赖他人的independence—— independent 独立的7.词尾加 aladdition—— additional 附加的,额外的music—— musical 音乐的person—哪里有英语外教—personal (私人的)nation—— national 国家的education——educational有教育意义的tradition—— traditional 传统的origin起源——original 新颖的;独创的 以元音字母e 结尾的单词,去掉词尾元音加alnature——natural 自然的globe—— global 全球的哪里有英语外教 特例:class—— classical 经典的medicine 药——medical 医学的grammar—— grammatical 语法的8.名词+ lyfriend—— friendly 友好的live——lively 活跃的,有生气的love——lovely 可爱的week——weekly 每周的man——manly 男子气概的;强壮的9.词尾+ enwood—— wooden 木制的wool—— woolen 羊毛的10. 表示方位的词East——easternWest——westernSouth——southernNorth——northern11.四大洲Asia 哪里有英语外教 亚洲—— AsianAfrica 非洲——AfricanEurope欧洲—— EuropeanAmerica 美洲——American12. 其他energy精力——energetic 精力充沛的strategy——strategic 战略的scientist——scientific 科学的 fool 傻子——foolish 愚蠢的love——loving 慈爱的pleasure——pleasant令人愉快的 / pleased高兴的pride——proud 自豪的4


1.词尾加izemodern——modernize 使...现代化social——socialize 使...社会化2.词尾加enfast——fasten 使固定;集中于short—— shorten 哪里有英语外教 缩短wide——widen 放宽less——lessen 使...减少 特例(有变形):long——lengthen 使延长strong ——strengthen 加强;巩固3.词前加enlarge —— enlarge 扩大;放大5


1. 形容词+ lybad——badly 坏地bright——brightly 明亮地casual——casually 随意地clear——clearly 清楚地complete——completely 完全correct——correctly 正确地final——finally 最后fortunate——fortunately幸运地general——generally 哪里有英语外教 一般来讲loud——loudly 大声地particular ——particularly特别地polite——politely 礼貌地proper ——properly适当地main——mainly 主要地most ——mostly 多半,大多数normal——normally 哪里有英语外教 正常地quick——quickly 迅速地quiet——quietly 轻轻地,安静地real——really 真正地recent ——哪里有英语外教recently 最近;近来sad——sadly 悲哀地slow——slowly 缓慢地special——specially 专门,特殊地specific——specifically 哪里有英语外教 特定地,明确地strong——strongly 哪里有英语外教 坚决地, 强烈地sudden——suddenly突然usual——usually 哪里有英语外教 通常2. 以le 结尾的, 去e + ycomfortable——comfortably 舒服地gentle——gently 温柔地possible——possibly 哪里有英语外教 可能地simple——simply 仅仅;只;简单地terrible——terribly 非常;极度地3. 辅音字母+ y 变y为 ilyeasy——easily 容易地heavy——heavily 沉重地happy——happily 快乐地4.特殊good——well好地true——truly 真实地

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: