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1. Do keep food out of sight. Eating or carrying food in your hand may attract monkeys to snatch it from you. Keep it inside your bags. 不让让它们看到食物??,吃东西或手里拿着食物会吸引猴子抢夺?????, 把食物放进包里。
2. Do not carry plastic bags. Monkeys have been conditioned to associate plastic bags with food. They may snatch your plastic bags and hurt you in the process. 不要带塑料袋,猴子会条件反射将塑料袋和食物联系起来,它们会抢夺塑料袋,在抢夺过程中会伤害到你。
3. Do not feed the monkeys. Fine up to $5,000. Monkeys used to feeding can become aggressive and snatch food from you. 不要喂猴子,最高可罚款5000新币(有钱??请随意),习惯被喂食的猴子会变得有攻击性,会抢夺食物。
4. Do not use flash photography. This can upset the monkeys and may cause them to turn aggressive.
5. Do not go near the monkeys. Keep a safe distance. If approached by the monkeys, keep
calm, and avoid eye contact with the monkeys, and slowly walk away. 不要走进猴子,保持安全距离。 如果猴子接近你的话,保持冷静,避免与猴子目光接触,慢慢走开。