英语教学 读精选外刊,学英文句型(15)

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英语教学 读精选外刊,学英文句型(15)插图


对于形容别人很有名气,通常比较常用的说法是somebody is famous/well-known/renowned,那么是否还可以用别的方式表达呢?其实是有的,我们一起看一下例文的表述方式:

IT IS hard to go a day in China without seeing Fan Bingbing. The doe-eyed starlet gazes from film posters (she has averaged four films a year for the past decade), airbrushed ads for global brands and glossy magazine covers.

这对句子的开头采用了比较有意思的方式:It is hard to go a day in China without seeing Fan Bingbing. 从句子可以看出它是用了双重否定,也就是表示“在中国几乎每一天都能看到范冰冰”。同时,在下一句话中也对原因做出了解释,比如她因为经常出现在电影海报、国际大牌广告,以及杂志封面上,所以知名度高。

因此,从这个例子上,我们可以借鉴一些句式来表明一个人非常有名气:It is hard to go a day in XX without…


It is hard to go a day in the US without hearing news about Donald Trump, whose capriciousness and narcissism constantly put him in the limelight.


AS THE second-richest person in the world, and with a half-century record of investing success, Warren Buffett is a household name worldwide.

在这个句子中,使用了a household name(一个家喻户晓的名字)这么一个说法来形容巴菲特,在人物的描述上会更加贴切。因此,当我们要表达一个人很有名气的时候,也可以用以下的句式:

As the founder of Alibaba, Jack Ma is a household name in China.



JD may have added drones to daily Chinese village life, but whether they will make financial sense for the company over time remains to be seen.

从整体的表述上看,句子中所使用到的词汇并不难,没有什么生撇词,不过结合整体的意境,存在很多值得学习和借鉴的地方,比如上半句JD may have added drones to daily Chinese village life,在这里,may have done something其实起到了一种表示猜测的用法,也就是指“京东可能已经让无人机进入中国的乡村生活”。

下半句的make financial sense,这是一个很地道的句式用法,make sense指的是(某行为方式是)明智的,合乎情理的。因此,这个句式make financial sense可以理解为“在经济上是明智的,能够产生良好经济效益的”。

另外,在句子用Over time也是一个比较常见搭配,意思是“慢慢地,渐渐地”。而在句子最后的remain to be seen,同样也使用了一个固定的搭配,其含义为(某事情)尚不确定。


因此,根据上面这个句子,我们可以从中学习到一个不错的句式:…may have…but whether…remains to be seen. 这个句子其实是一个让步句型,主要用来说明某事情的表面上是如此,但实际上能否做到……还有待观察,具体的用法可以如下:

Online education may have lowered the cost of learning, but whether it will enable students to learn more effectively remains to be seen.


在此前的文章中,我们使用过几个用于举例的句式,比如be it (they) / whether it (they) be, in the form of… ,为了让大家能够更好的理解,现在我们多补充一个相类似的句式:

Otherwise, supply chains will be put at risk and governments will probably be drawn into the business of picking winners. To see how easily that happens, witness the thousands of requests by American importers for exemptions from Mr Trump’s steel and aluminium tariffs.

从这个句子中,有这么一个句型表达:witness the thousands of requests… ,这个句子中的witness something是一个固定用法,意思类似于let’s witness something…(让我们看看……)。

因此,我们可以学习到一个新的句型:To see how A, witness B (要……看看……就知道了),这个句型可以用来表达通过例子B来验证A,用法可以参考如下:

(1) To see how technological advances change our lives, witness the internet, an invention that connects the world and boosts the spread of knowledge.

(2) To see how ordinary people can rise to stardom, witness Wang Ju, a contestant on the singing competition, Produce 101, a Chinese reality television show.


对于英语句型和语法的学习,最地道的方式其实是看以英语为母语的人所写的文章,这个学习的过程中你发现一些简单但我们却不一定会用的单词或短语,例如前面提到的make financial sense。下面所要学习的单词也是属于这种类型:

It would be a challenge to find a recent annual report of any big international company that justifies the firm's existence merely in terms of profit, rather than “service to the community”.

这个句子中有一个很不错的词汇:justify,其意思为“证明(决定、行为或想法)正当;表明……必要”,那么这个词放在justifies the firm's existence merely in terms of profit 这个句子中,整体的意思为“仅仅通过利润本身来证明公司存在的价值”。


Some people argue that since there are still hundreds of millions of people living in poverty, it is difficult to justify spending so much money on space exploration.



(1) It is hard to go a day in XX without…

(2) …may have…but whether…remains to be seen

(3) To see how A, witness B

(4) justify



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: