英语口语对话 事端(商务英语培训班哪个)

  • A+

A: That looks like a bad acc


B: Yeah, should we get out and help?

A: No, there’s a police car behind us. He’ll stop.

B: Loo有什么零基础学英语ks like the one guylost control(失英语学习最好的方法控) in all this rain, and the other one hit him.

A: Yeah. It’s pretty bad, that car looks like a coke can.

B: These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days.

A: Yeah, it looks like we’re in for a long drive.

B: Ah, well. Put on the news. I got up late and missed it.

A: All right.

A: 如同又出了严峻的事端了。

B: 是呀。咱们要下车帮协助吗?英语等级英语

A: 不必了,后边有一辆警车。他会停的。

B: 如同是有人的车在这样的下雨天车失控了,另一辆撞上了这辆。

A: 是。真是糟糕。那辆车撞得象个汽水罐相同。

B: 下雨天出事端一般致使堵车。

A: 对。看起来咱们的驾车时刻不会短了。

B: 哦,那么,听点新闻吧。我起得晚,没听到新闻。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: