雅思口语常见话题 Work

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  1、What job do you do?

I'm working as an office assistance in a private company. I've been workingfor ages.

  2、What is the nature of that work?

I am the one who balances drawers, hire ,fires, makes sure everything isgoing well and that business is booming, I do advertising, write payroll checks,keep up with time cards, keep up with invoices of all sales, go to bank, dodeposits, make sure the store has proper change but not too much money....

  3、Why did you choose to do that job?

My job offers me decent salary, good opportunity and enable me keep touchin the latest technology in computer science. I enjoy challenge in my job.

  4、Is that a popular choice of career in your country?

Yes. It's a demanding job. People do this job get well paid in general.

  5、Would you say your job is veryimportant?

Work is not important; it's simply a means to make money so that I won'tstarve to death and that I would have a roof over my head. Funnily enough, Ilove to work. In fact, I love to be occupied with things, whether or not theyare work related.

  6、How do you think your subject will help you in thefuture?

It wasn't my first choice. I wanted to major in administrative servicesmanagement, but my mom thought I should do pharmacy because it is safer. Iagreed with her, but I foud the business management stuff more preferable.

雅思口语常见话题 Work插图
w did you get that job?

Looked through help wanted ads in local newspaper, stopped by businessesand asked if they're accepting employment applications, typed a resume andemailed it to a bunch of places. I was hired by emailing a resume directly to myemployer.

  8、Is it easy to find work doing your job?

Well.......since my job isn't the best in the world I can find crappy jobsanywhere. Mainly manual labor......But, if I have to I can work for my dad athis bar. But I don't want to do that. We are too much alike and I have a feelingI would be looking for another crappy job anyway

  9、Where do people get information about jobs, from newspaper orfrom TV?

There are many jobs advertised in Jobcentres. The computers would be fullof jobs.

If I narrowed the search down to local towns, I could usually find about20, of which maybe 2 I was qualified to do. My partner has been looking at thelocal rag recently and the situations vacant page is about an inch long.

  10、Are there other ways for people to get information aboutjobs?

I think online-recruitment is the most reliable way to find recruitinginformation. The agencies are there to make money for themselves tweaking yourCV while promising a glorious job for you.but there were never any jobs to beginwith. They made money out of YOU.

  11、Which do you enjoy more, communicating with people at work, orthe work itself?

The latter I think. started working three weeks ago and I would not saythat I am shy but I find it hard to know what to say to them. The words I usethe most are "Morning", "bye everyone" and "see you tomorrow". I don't reallyhave conversations with them..They don't even bother talking to me too since Icame in, some of them just stare at me when they pass by..I don't know what todo and what to say!!

  12、Which do you enjoy more, working or studying?

Work. At least you're doing something rather than just sitting there. Ohyeah, you make money too. Nobody pays you to study though it may come in handylater on. You learn a lot of things which are out of the text-book.

  13、What do you like about your work?

I work 25 hrs a week but make as much as I'm working full time. I have 4hours in the afternoon to do personal stuff, I am off on snow days and holidaysand get paid for it, and can spend time with my kids. But the position is notwhat I'm looking for in my future.

  14、Do you think it's very important for people to do a job thatthey like?

Definitely. Passion is a kind of motivation. I have a fear that I willnever be able to retire so I would like to find a job that I can live with forthe rest of my life and never have any problems. I don’t wanna get burned outsoon after I start working.

  15、What other job do you think you would enjoy, apart from yourpresent job?

My dream job would be the president of the United States, and not onlythat, but I'd love to be the president with the majority of Congressionalmembers and S. court justices agreeing with me. But even if both branches wereagainst me, nothing could be a better job than being the president.





:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: