雅思口语Part 1问题回答示范

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#雅思口语#Part 1作为口语考试的敲门砖,虽然不是考官主要打分的部分,但是作为第一印象的展示还是非常重要的。part 1的题目看似都是非常日常的聊天,很多同学却经常因为语言切换的问题而陷入“不知道说什么”,或者“答非所问”的误区。那么今天大河雅思就为大家展示一下part 1的喜好题有哪些常用的回答。






基本思路1: 细节举例

Detailed examples是很好的一种对题目展开的方式。核心的思路是不要拘泥于对所有问题回答why。扩展一下where, when, who, how, what这些具体的细节。从而让回答真实,自然。


Do you like holidays?

-Where/what: Sure. During the holidays I often take a trip to somewhere I’ve always wanted to pay a visit, especially some coastal cities like 三亚 or 威海. I love the seaside views and I enjoy seafood as well.

What/who: Yep. I like holidays cuz I always play some puzzle games or board games with my friends during the holidays. I have a bunch of friends who share a same interest with me and that’s how we spend the holidays.

When/what: I do. I like long holidays like the summer holiday or the National Holiday. I would go somew
雅思口语Part 1问题回答示范插图
here far away and take a long trip. Also, I can get up at anytime I want.


Yes, I like holidays. I think holiday is a good time to relax. I always feel very happy on holidays.


Not really. Holiday is not a good time for me. I normally have all sorts of after-school lessons of different subjects which make me exhausted. I’d rather stay at school.


Which holiday do you like most?

-I think it must be the holiday of the Spring Festival. My whole family would gather around for a big dinner. And we would make hand-made dumplings and play fireworks. It’s always the best time of the year.


-I don’t really have a favorite one. For me, all the holidays are the same cuz I don’t have any special plans for holidays. It’s usually me and my brother staying at home and playing video games.

What colors do you dislike?

-I don’t like brown. I think brown is...brownish? It’s hard to fit my other clothes with brown stuff.

-I don’t have one. I like all the colors. Every color is unique and as long as we combine them in the right way then they would look good.



What to you like to do to relax?

-It depends on whether I’m with someone. If I’m alone, I will just stay at home, watch some animes or play phone games. But if my friends call me and say they wanna hang out, we will go watch a film or have a meal in a fancy restaurant.

What’s your favorite color?

-Well, if we are talking about the color in general, then it’s pink. But the thing is, I don’t dress in pink cuz it’s a little weird...makes me look silly. I often buy some clothes in white or green. Those are my favorite colors if we are talking about the color I wear.

基本思路3: 甩锅给别人


Do you know about the flowers?

-Um...I guess not. I am not a fan of flowers. Although my mom does know much about flowers. She grows many flowers at home, which I don’t even know the names.

Do you want to work in an environmental protection company?

-I’m not sure. I think most people would agree with me that we don’t see many environmental companies in our real life. And because of that, we have no idea about what we can do for a living in a company like that.

好了这就是今天的分享啦,下次给大家带来part 1其他题目的回答思路讲解,喜欢的同学记得点一波关注~


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: