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201.Birds can fly.小鸟会飞。

202.Monkey is cute.猴子好可爱。

203.Here is a snake.这是一条蛇。

204.Here is a fish.这是一条鱼儿。

205.Here is a frog.这是一只青蛙。

206.Here is a bird.这是一只鸟儿。

207.That is a panda.那是一只熊猫。

208.I am afraid of snakes.我害怕蛇。

209.Here is a gerbil.这是一只小沙鼠。

210.Here is a puppy.这是一只小狗宝宝。

211.Here is a bunny.这是一只小兔宝宝。

212.Here is a kitten.这是一只小猫宝宝。

213.What animal is that?那是什么动物?

214.How do you count cows?你怎么数牛?

215.The bird moves so fast.鸟飞得好快。

216.Look!They are rolling.看!他在地上翻跟斗。

217.Do you like small animals?你喜欢小动物吗?

218.Little fish live in the water.小鱼生活在水里。

219.My favorite animal is a cat.我最喜欢的动物是小猫。

220.The lion is the king of the forest.狮子是森林之王。

221.Dad, can you put the cat out?爸爸,你能把猫关到外面吗?

222.I like elephant.Because they can dancing!我喜欢大象。因为他们会跳舞呢!

223.Sammy is extremely sad due to his canine friend’s death.萨米很伤心,因为她的狗狗死了。

224.Selena kept saying “Meow”, as if she is a feline.赛琳娜像猫科动物一样不停地在”喵喵”叫。


225.It's foggy.起雾了。

226.It's sunny.是晴天。

227.I am melting.我快融化了。

228.Beautiful day.天气真好。

229.It’s clearing up.天放晴了。

230.The sun is shining.艳阳高照。

231.How's the weather?天气怎么样?

232.A typhoon is coming.台风快到了。

233.It can get
really humid.很潮湿。

234.Today is a sunny day.今天是个晴天。

235.It's a real scorcher.这真是一个大热天。

236.It's too hot to think.热得我都没法思考。

237.It’s a bit nippy today.今天有点儿凉了!

238.It's an oven in here.这里简直是个大烤箱。

239.What changeable weather! 这天气真是变化无常!

240.There's not a cloud in the sky.天空万里无云。

241.I hope it will keep fine.我希望天气一直晴下去。

242.It happened to be a sunny day.那天恰巧是个晴天。

243.It's a fair and breezy day today. 今天风和日丽。

244.I like sunny days and snowy days.我喜欢晴天和下雪天。

245.Wet days alternates with fine days.下雨天和晴天相间而来。

2436.I like sunny days. I see the sun.我喜欢晴天。我看见太阳。

247.If it's fine tomorrow we'll go out. 如果明天天晴,我们就出去。

248.Mist in the morning is a sign of good weather. 早晨有雾是晴天的兆头。

249.I like sunny days because I like sunshine.我喜欢晴天,因为我喜欢阳光。

250.It was a sunny day, I went to the Great Wall.在一个大晴天里,我去了长城。






:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: