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现在大家在进行托福备考时 TPO 托福模考软件相信是大家用的最多的工具了,对于托福成绩的提升是非常有帮助的。托福听力可以说是整个托福考试当中比较重要的一个部分,如何利用现有资料 TPO 模考软件来提升大家的托福成绩呢 ? 今天小编在这里整理了 TPO6 托福口语 Task5 听力文本 + 题目 + 满分范文来分享给大家,希望对大家托福听力备考有帮助。

TPO6 托福综合口语 Task5 听力文本:

Now listen to a conversation between a professor and the student.

( man ) Hi, Sara, to what do I owe this pleasure of this office visit?

( woman ) It ’ s my study group, Professor Wilson. We are not getting much studying done, and, you know, none of us did very well on your last quiz.

( man ) Hmmm, what ’ s the problem?

( woman ) Well, we ’ ve all become good friends and we joke around a lot instead of studying.

( man ) Hmmm. Sara, let me ask you this. When do you meet?

( woman ) Every Friday afternoon.

( man ) Have you thought about changing to another day? By the time Friday afternoon rolls around, all of you are probably exhausted and all you want to do was relax and unwind. It ’ s hard to stay focused at the very end of the week.

( woman ) Good point, although things have gotten so out of hand that I ’ m not sure changing days would help. And we ’ d lose one or two people if we change days, Friday afternoon is the only time everyone ’ s available, but it ’ s worth considering.

( man ) OK. But just a second, another possibility is, does your group have a leader?

( woman ) No?

( man ) Well, if you had a leader that would help enormously. Someone to set an agenda in advance, email it to everyone before the meeting and then make sure when you meet that you stay focused on your goals. And since you ’ ve seemed to be concerned enough about the problem to have come see me, I think that someone might be you.

( woman ) I guess I can take on that role. But it sounds like work.

( man ) You don ’ t have to do it for the whole semester, Sara. You can start if off and then, perhaps, someone else can take over.

TPO6 托福综合口语 Task5 题目文本:

The professor proposes two solutions to the problem the woman describes. Briefly summarize the problem then state which solution you recommend and explain why.

更多最新,最 in 的托福资讯,关注公众号:小站托福 ( ID:xiaozhantuofu2015 )

TPO6 托福综合口语 Task5 满分范文:

The woman ’ s studying group has got a problem. The members all become friends and they all j
oke around instead of studying. The professor proposes two possible solutions. The first solution is to change the time they meet. Currently, they meet on Friday afternoons, but students are exhausted at that time and they all want to relax and unwind at the end of a week. But the woman says everyone has already got their own schedule, if they change time, they may lose members. The second solution is to find a leader. The leader can set the agenda, email it to everyone else before the meeting and then make sure everyone is focused on the topic when they meet. The professor says the woman is suitable to be the leader. But it sounds like much work to the woman. I would recommend the woman to take the second solution. If she ’ s worrying about the work, she can just be a temporal leader and later let other members to do the work.

以上就是小编为大家整理了 TPO6 托福口语 Task5 听力文本 + 题目 + 满分范文,大家可以边借助 TPO 模考软件听音频看看自己哪些地方听不懂,然后来看看原文,同时对练习托福听力精听也是很有帮助的。最后,小站教育编辑预祝大家托福考试能取得理想的成绩。

更多最新,最 in 的托福资讯,关注公众号:小站托福 ( ID:xiaozhantuofu2015 )

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