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1.where can you bargain?Why?

中文思路:在集市 - 卖手工小物品 - 卖家定价 - 所以 - 可以还价 - 低价购买

英文回答: I usually bargain in some street markets, because the sellers there just sell some small items, which is mostly made by themselves, or they can sell their goods at any price they like, so I am able to bargain with them and then purchase something at a lower price.

2.How do you bargain?

中文思路:是否有折扣 - 有 - 10%或更吉利的数字 - 没有 - 推荐商店给朋友 - 以后还会再来

英文回答: Firstly, I like to ask "Is there any discount in the shop". If yes, I usually ask for 10% more off or want to get a luckier number, which is a little lower than the original selling price. If there's no discount at all, I'd like to tell the sellers I would recommend this shop to all of my friends and ask them to buy something in the shop later, so may I get a lower price today.

3.Do Chinese people bargain?

中文思路:是 - 卖家定价高 - 买家想低价购买 - 中国人数学好 - 结合各种优惠券 - 得最实惠价

英文回答: Of course, yes, we love bargaining with others since the sellers want to sell their products at a higher price, while the buyers want to purchase the goods at a lower cost. Moreover, most Chinese are good at math, so we gonna try our best to combine different kinds of coupons and manage to get the lowest price of one product.

4.What do you think of bargain?

中文思路:越来越不常见 - 因为市场经济 - 价格固定 - 没有还价机会 - 然而 - 信息透明 - 比价

英文回答: The bargain is increasingly unusually in our daily life. Due to the market-oriented economy, the price of various products is gradually fixed in retailers or online shops, and there will be no more possibilities that consumers could bargain again. However, because of the transparent information of products online, we could compare different types of goods instead, which is convenient and makes the market more equitable.


1.Do you like visiting museums?Why?

中文思路:是 - 接触艺术的好方式 - 旅行时快速了解当地文化习俗

英文回答: Yes, I like to visit museums of any kind because it's a good gateway to art. And if I travel to a new place, it's so effective for me to quickly get through the local culture and customs by visiting the local museums.

2.How often do you visit museums?

中文思路: 一年两次 - 工作忙 - 特殊展览 - 但旅游时参观更多

英文回答: Not very frequent, perhaps only twice a year. Since I'm quite busy with my work, I only visit some special exhibitions held in the museum sometimes. But, as I've mentioned, if I travel to another place, I'll definitely visit more museums than before.

3.Are there any museums in your hometown?

中文思路:是 - 最有名的是湖南省博物馆 - 很多独特的展品 - 吸引很多游客

英文回答: Yes, there are several well-known museums in my city. The most famous one must be Hunan Provincial Museum since there are plenty of unique exhibits that people cannot find in other places in the world so that many tourists like to appreciate those artworks or ancient items in person in this museum.

4.Do you think there should be more museums in your hometown?

中文思路:需要 - 展示和保存当地文化历史 - 拉近居民与家乡的距离 - 尤其是下一代 - 了解家乡的过去 - 更好了解文化

英文回答: Definitely yes! Museums can display and preserve the culture and the history of an area, and more museums will allow more citizens to visit and remind them of something related to their hometown, especially for the next generation, they gotta know what happened in the place they are living now in the past, which could help them better understand their cultures.


1.Have you visited a farm?

中文思路: 是 - 奶牛农场 - 去年夏天 - 内蒙古 - 和朋友去避暑 - 亲手挤牛奶

英文回答:Yes. I visited a cow farm last summer in Inner Mongolia. Summer was super-hot in my hometown, so I travelled to Inner Mongolia with my friends, and the most impressive activity I did there is to milk a cow in person.

2.What can you do on a farm?

中文思路: 很多有趣的户外活动 - 如挤牛奶 - 种植采摘水果蔬菜 - 钓鱼 - 放牛放羊等

英文回答: Well, there are so many interesting outdoor activities we can do on a farm, like milking a cow, growing and picking various fruits and vegetable, fishing in the pond, grazing cattle and sheep and etc.

3.Do you think farming is important?

中文思路: 当然 - 最重要的产业之一 - 特别是中国 - 中国人口多 - 所以农业发展永远优先

英文回答: Surely sure, farming is one of the most essential industry to any country, especially to China. As we all know, there is a population of more than 1.4 billion in China, so no matter how fast other industries grow, farming is the priority.

4.Are there any farms in your hometown?

中文思路: 没有 - 因为住在大城市 - 高楼大厦 - 没有空间

英文回答: As far as I know, there is no farm in my hometown. I live in a modern city, which is full of skyscrapers and apartments, so there are only business area, residential area and industrial area. So, there's no place for farming in my hometown.


1.Have you planted trees?

中文思路: 是 - 小学到高中 - 学校植树节组织种树 - 保护环境 - 提升孩子们的环境保护意识

英文回答: Yes, I've planted trees before. From my primary school to high school, teachers always organized all of the students to plant trees together on Arbor Day (Tree-planting Day), and I believe it's a really meaningful thing to protect the environment and it
can also raise children's awareness of environmental protection.

2.Where did you plant trees?

中文思路: 以前 - 和同学在学校种树 - 现在 - 干旱和沙漠地区 - 但不是亲手 - 支付宝收集能量 - 可以种树 - 能量来自于环保消费行为 - 购物不要塑料袋 - 纸吸管 - 买卖二手产品

英文回答: When I was a school student, I planted trees with my classmates on campus. But now, I plant trees in some arid regions and desert, of course, I don't plant those trees in those severe zones myself, I collect many energies on an app called Alipay, which could help me plant trees if I accumulate enough energies. Those energies are made by my eco-friendly consuming behaviors, like no plastic bags when shopping, the use of paper straw instead of plastic straw, or selling and buying second-hand products.

3.Do you keep plants at home?

中文思路:是 - 一个月买一次鲜花 - 有益于身心健康 - 喜欢房间香 - 鲜花比香水更好

英文回答: Yes, I get used to buying a bunch of fresh flowers once a month, I think, which could be helpful to my mental and physical health. I prefer my room to be scented, and those fresh plants are much better than strong perfumes for me, so I always keep some mini plants at home.

4.Do you know anything about growing a plant?

中文思路: 只懂一点 - 一天浇一次水 - 面对阳光 - 长得更快更好

英文回答: To be honest, I only know a bit about it. For example, planters need to water the plant at least once a day and place the plant toward the sunshine so as to ensure it grow fast and well.

5.What plant did you grow when you were young?

中文思路: 仙人掌 - 沙漠 - 不需要常浇水 - 所以照顾方便省事 - 养了3年多

英文回答: I planted a mini cactus when I was young. As we all know, cactus usually grow in the desert. That is to say, cactus don't need too much water in general conditions. So, it is convenient and quite easy for me to take care of the cactus, and I kept that cactus for more than 3 years.


1.What's the decoration like in your home?

中文思路: 比较简单 - 没有特别的风格 - 偏向极简派 - 家具装饰尽量白色灰色 - 房子看起来空间更大/整洁

英文回答: Well, the decoration in my home is quite simple, and there's no particular style I can tell. I prefer minimalism, so I try to buy every furniture and decoration in white and grey. I think it could make my small room look more spacious and cleaner.

2.What kind of decoration do you prefer?

中文思路: 简单装饰 - 没有色彩斑斓的图案和复杂的纹理 - 如单色相框/玻璃花瓶

英文回答: I prefer simple decorations without any colorful patterns and complicated textures on it, like single-colored photo frames and glass vases.

3.Do Chinese people like redecorating their homes?

中文思路: 大部分不会 - 难度高且浪费时间 - 长时间住在同一个地方的人 - 可能会重新装修去追求更高质量的生活

英文回答: For most Chinese, I believe they would say no since it's difficult and time-consuming, but for those who have been living in the same home for more than ten years, they might need to redecorate their homes to pursue a better-quality life.

4.What's your favorite color when decorating your home?

中文思路: 白色 - 虽然看起来会枯燥无聊 - 但不同层次的白色装饰 - 产生另一种美感

英文回答: For me, the first choice must be white. Although it looks quite pure and boring when everything is white at home, different layers of white decorations could make another sense of beauty in my mind.

Taking a rest

1.How often do you take a rest?

中文思路:不太频繁 - 上班时间一天两次 - 饭后睡午觉 - 下午喝一杯奶茶 - 休息15分钟

英文回答: Not very frequently. Maybe I only take a rest twice a day during my working hours. I usually take a nap after lunch at noon. Sometimes, I order a cup of milk tea in the afternoon and take a break for 15 minutes.

2.Do you take a nap when you are taking a rest?

中文思路:是 - 中午睡半小时 - 大部分中国人的习惯 - 对消化系统好 - 睡醒后消除疲劳

英文回答: Yes, I like to take a nap for 30 minutes at noon, and it's a very common habit for most Chinese I believe since we think it's good for our digestion system and we gonna feel refreshed after a high-quality nap for the following hours.

3.How do you feel after taking a nap?

中文思路: 帮我在繁忙的工作后放松 - 不需要太长时间 - 使头脑清醒

英文回答: Taking a nap absolutely helps me to unwind after a busy day at work, and it doesn't take much time, but it could be really useful to refresh our mind.

4.Is it important for you to take a rest everyday?

中文思路:是 - 快节奏的生活导致不健康的习惯 - 如久坐/长时间看电子产品/吃外卖 - 休息如打盹或运动 - 暂时停止学习或工作 - 让生活更开心健康

英文回答: Of course, yes! Nowadays, the fast-paced lifestyle allows us to have many unhealthy habits, like sitting for a long time, looking at the computer screen or phones and eating a lot of oily takeout, so having a rest could help us be away from those things for a while, no matter you wanna take a nap for several minutes or do some simple exercises at office, pausing your work and study for a short time will definitely make our work and live happier and healthier.


1.How often do you read?

中文思路: 几乎每天 - 睡前读书 - 好习惯 - 提高睡眠质量 - 开阔眼界

英文回答: Almost every day. To be more specific, I force myself to read every night before I go to sleep because I think reading is a good habit, which could help my sleeping quality and definitely enhance my horizons in many fields.

2.Do you have many books at home?

中文思路: 是 - 爱好 - 特别是有精致独特封面的 - 读书的速度慢于买书的 - 所以家里很多没看过的书

英文回答: Yes, I bought a lot of books of any kind at home, and it's one of my favorite habit. I particularly like those books with a fancy and unique cover, which makes me wanna discover more about it. However, the speed of my reading is far less than the speed of purchasing new books, so there are many books at home that I haven't read it until now.

3.Do Chinese people do enough reading?

中文思路: 在学校读很多书 - 教育孩子从书本中可以收获很多

英文回答: As far as I know, I think Chinese do a lot of reading when we are at school, and even read a lot at work, since Chinese parents and teachers always tell their kids and young people that we could gain a lot from books.

4.What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don't?

英文回答: For the people who like reading very much, we always call them bookworms. They are good at word recognition and they are able to gain the underlying definition and conceptions of the book, so in their life reading is a daily routine. However, for most of individuals they don't enjoy reading since it's not effective and not interesting, and they prefer more visualized materials to get information.







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