闪记星 描绘打电话可以运用的英语口语

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= Sorry, her line is busy now. (对不住,她正在打电话。)

Alright. I'll try again later. (好的。那我过一会儿再打。)

= She's on another line now.

Ms. Kane is talking to someone else now. (凯恩先生正在打电话。)

I'm afraid she's on the other line now.

◎对不住,她如今脱不开身。 I'm sorry, she's tied up at the moment.

*tied up “忙得不能接电话”。

◎对不住,她正在招待客人。 I'm sorry, she has company at this time.

*company 除了“公司”以外,还标明“兄弟”、“来客”。

◎您等会儿行吗? Would you like to hold?


No, I'll call back later. Thanks. (不必了,过会儿我再打吧。谢谢。)

= Would you like to stay on the line?

= Can you hold the line, please?

= Would you like to hold on?

= Wanna hold? (能等会儿吗?)

*只用于兄弟或熟人,作业中不能运用。Wanna...是Do you want to的省掉方法。标明“你想……吗?”

◎他如今不在坐位上。 He's away from his desk now.

◎他在公司,但如今不在坐位上。 He's in but he's not at his desk right now.

◎对不住,他出去了。 I'm sorry, he's not in right now.

Is John there, please? (请问约翰在吗?)

= I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不住,他出去了。)

= He's not in.

= He's out now.

= He's not here now.(他如今不在这儿。)

= He's out of the office right now.

◎他啥时分能回来? When is he coming back?

= When do you expect him back?

= What time do you think he'll be back?

◎他大约10分钟后回来。 He should be back in ten minutes.

*in 指的不是“以内”,而是“……之后”,所所以“10分钟后”的意思。

◎他大约下个星期来上班。 He sho
闪记星 描绘打电话可以运用的英语口语插图
uld be back in the office next week.

◎他休假到下个星期。 He's on vacation until next week.

◎他打电话来说病了。He called in sick today.

*call in sick 是习气用语,“打电话请病假”。

◎他如今出差去了。 He's out of town now.

◎他如今吃午饭去了。 He's out to lunch now.

*out to lunch 惯用语,“午休”。

◎他如今正在开会。 He's in a meeting right now.

◎他今日歇息。He's off today.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: