《英语口语8000句》第8课 碰头分手(4-6)

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0833、我会想你的。I'll miss you.

0834、我真期望能和你在一同。I wish I could go with you.

0835、请代我向你的家人问好。Please give my regards to your family.

0836、你必定回来啊! You must come back.

0837、有空给我打电话。Give me a call sometime.

0838、咱们啥时分再聚吧。Let's get together again sometime.

0839、请给我写信。Please write me (a letter).

0840、我会给你写信的。I'll write you (a letter).

0841、让咱们坚持联络。Let's keep in touch.

0842、别忘了写信。Don't forget to write.


0843、有人吗? Hello! Anyone home?

0844、等待,请进! Please come in!

0845、你能来,太好啦。How nice of you to come!

0846、你有事吗? What do you want?

0847、别谦让,像在自个家相同。Please feel free to make yourself at home.

0848、请坐吧。Have a seat.

《英语口语8000句》第8课 碰头分手(4-6)插图
9、您尽兴。Enjoy yourself!

0850、您喝点啥吗? Would you care for something to drink?

0851、没联络。(不必忧虑我。) Don't mind me.

0852、我可以用洗手间吗? May I use your bathroom?

0853、洗手间在哪儿? Where's the bathroom?

0854、可以借用一下您的电话吗? May I use your phone?

0855、我得告辞了。I'd better get going now.

0856、非常谢谢您的美意款待。Thank you for inviting me.

0857、有空再来串门吧。Drop by sometime.

0858、他亲自来看我。He came to see me himself.

0859、您介意我抽烟吗? Do you mind if I smoke?

0860、您的房子真好。I like your house.

0861、我很喜爱你的公寓。I really like your apartment.

0862、留心脚下。Watch your step.

0863、地上很滑。The floor is slippery.

0864、请翻开电视。Please turn on the TV.

0865、我可以把车停这儿吗? Can I park my car here?


0866、凯恩女士,这位是我的上级佐藤先生。Ms. Kane, this is Mr. Sato, my boss.

0867、很高兴知道您。Nice to meet you.

0868、彼此彼此。Nice to meet you, too.

0869、您贵姓? May I have your name, please?

0870、我给你介绍一下我的兄弟。I'd like you to meet a friend of mine.

0871、他是个好人。He's a nice guy.

0872、见到您我很高兴。I'm glad to meet you.

0873、能知道您我感到非常侥幸。It's an honor for me to meet you.

0874、请叫我…… Please call me...

0875、咱们是不是在哪儿见过面? Don't I know you from somewhere?

0876、想起来了吗? Remember?

0877、啊!对了,你是史密斯先生。Oh, yeah, you're Mr. Smith!

0878、我不敢必定,或许在哪儿见过。I'm not sure. Maybe.

0879、不,我想不是这样的。No, I don't think so.

0880、这是咱们初度碰头。This is the first time we have met.

0881、鲍勃是你的老兄弟吗? Is Bob an old friend of yours?

0882、我想不起来他叫啥名字了。I can't remember his name.

0883、这事全托付你了。I leave it entirely to your kind consideration.

0884、我叫约翰·希恩。I'm John Sheehan.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: