雅思口语高频论题electronic device的各种features

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在雅思口语考试Part 2的物品类论题里,老是呈现electronic device,有的时分考得很具体,比方很早的时分考过your firstcell phone。也有的时分咱们可以用电子产品作为其他答案的材料,比方a piece of electronic equipment you want tobuy, something you save money to buy, a gift you spent a long time to choose,auseful thing you once borrowed等等。

在cue card的提示里边,会有一项是specificfeatures,关于许多孩子来说,介绍中文的各种functions可以都比照费劲,因为不是电子产品发烧友的话,很少会在日子中谈论这些东东。那怎么破啊!别忘了凭仗万能的Internet啊!

雅思口语高频论题electronic device的各种features插图

下面给我们介绍一款在YouTube上盛行一时的自拍神器—Lily camera!它的官网是:


It follows you wherever you go and it does not need any pilot.

Lily Drone Camera is water resistant. Even the tracker is water resistantand is wearable.

It has high definition built-in camera that is easy to record and takephotos with high quality.

Tracker device is small and you can hold it in your hands or put it in yourpocket.

It can move with the speed of 40 KMPH and at an altitude of 15 feet to themaximum.

Lily can be moved nearer or farther from us using the tracker device.

You can track the Lily using the Android and IOS applications and you canalso see what your Lily is recording.

When the charging is coming down and reaches the last point, it goes forsafe landing.

It can automatically record the videos in slow motion as and whenrequired.

No setup required. Start recording the video by just throwing it in to theair.

Lily Drone Camera is ultra portable.

Lily is waterproof device. It even floats on water easily and can easilyland on water.


In present days, Selfie is the buzzword and when we go somewhere, we wouldat least take one Selfie shot. So, we like to carry Selfie sticks with us, sothat everyone of our group or team does not miss that particular and memorableSelfie shot. But sometimes not all of our team can fit in a single Selfie shotor normal photo. That’s why we need a flying camera that follows us and caninclude everyone in the picture or video.


Lily Camera is really the best when compared to any of the available dronecameras.











:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: