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常常听到考生们诉苦:雅思口语考题改变莫测,无从下手。但以笔者在雅思培训界从业多年的经历来看,当前雅思口语考试题库的标题现已抵达了“饱满”状 态;换言之,标题从方法上可以会持续“移风易俗”,但其中心内容照常是“换汤不换药”。那么,如何应对口语论题的改变呢?分析认为答案很简略,充分使用 “多米诺骨牌”口语学习法。

在苍莽题海中,对每个论题逐个预备是不实际的。即便可以,也会浪费考生许多的时刻和精力,最终没有一个论题是自个预备无缺的。最要害的是,考试的时 候,在严峻的情况下,面临金发碧眼的考官,常会呈现大脑空白,把早年预备的内容悉数忘光的情况。那么,怎样才干避免这种凄惨剧表演呢?只需把有关标题的思路 畅通领悟贯穿,也就是一个思路可供不一样标题运用。就像咱们小时分玩的多米诺骨牌相同,不一样的论题即不一样的骨牌,有机地把它们放到一同,排好,一旦咱们有一个好 的思路,并吞其间的一个论题,如同把一个骨牌推倒,随之系列论题,都会随即倒下。例如:A festival = A happy family event= An unforgettable event= A traditional event you attended= One favorite meal= A happy experience。


首要,荫蔽是指触及传统的考题一般用其它论题来躲藏自个,或许换句?担矶嗥渌厶庵谢嵋缓车囊馕丁>倮此担赜趆istory、 culture、arts,甚至关于wedding、handicraft、food的论题中,都有可以藏有“modern vs. traditional”的敌对。跟着全球化浪潮的如火如荼,许多传统文明、传统思维以及传统风俗都被抛诸脑后甚至烟消云散。现代的观念、价值以及道德规 范取而代之,构成了一次又一次的磕碰和敌对,孰是孰非,就要看你如何在“传统”论题上的掌控了。




【Question 1】:

Do you often celebrate festivals in your culture/country?


Answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and then give a few brief details of the main festivals, including its meanings and dates.


How do people celebrate them?


special clothes worn at this time ( if any )


【答复】: Yes, we do. We have many special celebrations(庆祝)in our country throughout the year. The Spring Festival(新年), the Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节), and the Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) are among the most important ones. But even with the same festival, there are some different celebrating activities involved in different parts of China.

【Question 2】:

What special things do people do during festivals?

留心:疑问的要害是special,所以不能只是把我们常做的一些作业如“meet their friends”以及“talk with members of family”视为节日时刻的特别活动。


What’s the meaning behind these special things and how do people feel about them?

【材料库】: special things people do during festivals and its meanings:

Spring Festival(新年)

-- 岁除夜盛宴

having a big meal on New Year's Eve

-- 放炮竹

setting off firecrackers

-- 穿上最佳的服装

putting on one's best outfits

-- 堆雪人

making snowmen

-- 从老一辈那里得到红包

receiving a red envelope with lucky money in it from elders

-- 做饺子和吃饺子

making and eating dumplings

-- 看春晚

watching the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV

Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)

-- 一边赏亮堂的满月一边吃月饼

eating moon cakes and pears while appreciating the bright full moon

-- 围坐一圈,听“嫦娥奔月”的悦耳传奇

sitting around for the fascinating legend about ‘Change' Fly to the Moon

Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)

-- 留念屈原(我国古代闻名的专家)

showing respect to Qu Yuan, the famous Chinese ancient scholar


holding the Dragon Boats racing competition, demonstrating cooperation and teamwork

-- 做粽子,吃粽子

making and eating of a kind of dumpling called Zongzi

Double Ninth Festival(重阳节)

-- 尊敬和照看老人

showing care and respect for the elderly


getting together and climbing a high mountain and recite poems and articles

Pure Brightness Festival (清明节)(又名做 Tomb Sweeping Festival)


Sweeping graves

-- 送鲜花

presenting/placing fresh flowers

-- 预备肉、蔬菜、米酒,常常是预备一份无缺的饭,放在墓前

offering meats, vegetables, rice wine, and often arranging a complete dinner to place in front of the tombs

-- 烧纸钱和其他代表财富的物品给死者

offering paper money and other symbols of wealth to the dead

-- 鞠躬表达敬意

bowing to express their respect and their regards


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: