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how you learned it: I learned to drive both by taking a class and bypracticing with my parents in the car. The class was a bore but the practicaltraining was fun. I always looked forward to getting behind the wheel topractice my driving. I practiced by often taking my mom's car for a spin.However, because I was still learning, my mom always insisted that she tagalong. My mom was always a backseat driver on these trips so sometimes it wasfrustrating to always have her tell me exactly how to drive.
taking a class 参加培训班 上课
getting behind the wheel 开车
for a spin 兜一圈
tag along 陪同 跟从
backseat driver 坐在轿车后座对驾御员评头论足的人; 干与与自个责任无关的人
and explain how you think this skill will be useful in the future: Thisskill will be very useful in the future. It will allow me to be much moreindependent. I won't have to be at the mercy of my parents when I want to gosomewhere the bus does not go to. I just have to make sure that I do not get aspeeding ticket. My parents say that if I get a ticket I will have to pay forall of it and that my parents will take the keys away for a week. If you ask me,this is just a slap on the wrist. So, I flirt with the speed limit sometimes,but I usually drive under the limit—especially if there are traffic cops around.I know where all of the big speed traps are in my city so I can stay one up onthe traffic patrolmen. All in all, I think this will be one of the mostimportant skills for my future. I wouldn't trade my driving license for all thetea in China.
be at the mercy of sb 依靠或人 依托或人
speeding ticket 超速罚单
If you ask me 在我看来
a slap on the wrist 在手腕上拍一下=很轻的处置
traffic cops 交警
not for all the tea in China 给我我国一切的茶也不=不管怎样都不