雅思口语教程 Introduction 02

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下面新东方网雅思频道为我们收拾了雅思口语教程:Introduction 02,供考生们参阅,以下是具体内容。

Tony, I want you to meet an old friend of mine. Here is David Roy. David, Tony Park.

Tony,我想让你见见我的老兄弟。这位是David Roy.David,这位是Tony Park.

Tom, come here. I want you to meet an old friend of mine, Clare. tom过来,我想让你知道我的老兄弟clare.介绍的时分,一般是先介绍女人或年长的人
雅思口语教程 Introduction 02插图

Mrs. Anderson, please allow me to introduce Mr. Smith, our manager.


introduce sb. to sb.

I want to introduce Alice to you. 我想把alice介绍给你

introduce sth. 引入某物

We would introduce the advanced techonology from aboard. 咱们大约引入国外的领先技能


Mr. Anderson, please allow me to introduce Mr. White. Anderson先生,请答应我介绍white先生给你。常用在正式的场合。

The pleasure is mine, Mr. Smith. 我很侥幸,Smith太太。

Nice to talk to you.

Nice to meet you.

The pleasure is mine.

Let me introduce myself. I am Susan McDonald. 让我毛遂自荐一下。我叫Susan McDonald.

以上就是新东方网雅思频道为我们收拾的雅思口语教程:Introduction 02,非常有用。更多资讯、材料尽在新东方网雅思频道。最终,新东方网雅思频道预祝我们在雅思考试中获得好成果!

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