雅思口语中Part 1 如何延伸拓宽答案

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Part 1 究竟要说多长,一向是许多烤鸭们纠结的疑问。

许多考生都认为雅思口语的Part 1有些就是随意跟考官“聊”两句,不必怎么深化答复,因为假定说多了就会被考官不断地打断,所以等到了Part 3再多“聊”就好。其实这个观念是差错的。



许多考生在考试时会碰到一些简略的Part 1 疑问,比方“Do you like learning history ?”考生的答案许多都是千篇一概的“Yes, I like it. It’s interesting.”或许“No. I think it’s boring.”考生认为现已答复了考官的疑问,可是考官却皱蹙眉头,紧接着问“Why?”,然后考生就闪烁其词不晓得该怎么答复了。这边需要留心的是,每当考官在考试时分问“Why?”考生大约知道到的是,其实考官是在说“Please give me some details and examples.”因为考生的答案太空泛,没有本质性内容会让考官误认为考生的词汇量单一,思维过于简略,没有逻辑,天然得不到好的分数。


如何有逻辑地拓宽自个的答复一向都是Part 1和Part 3的要害。咱们今日就先来看看,Part 1 常见的延伸和拓宽思路有哪些?



Do you like reading books?

Totally yes. I’m such a big fan of reading, especially English novel. Mainly becauseit’s a good way for me to pass time. And alsoit helps me to soak up the second language.





mainly because + Reason 1, and also + Reason 2 对错常非常重要的,联接词便于考官去了解你的答案。假定你的答案没有联接词,在考官看来,语句之间彼此独立而凌乱无章的表达,所以他们无法领会其间的“深意”。



上面答案里极好的把笼统的book 具体化成了English novel. 首要这样可以展示词汇。sports magazine,science fiction novel, biography, comic book 写出来我们都知道,可是考试时分不说出来,谁晓得你知道呢。另外,笼统疑问具体化也为后边说Reason 2 翻开了一个方向。




Do you often listen to music ?

Yes, I listen to music on a daily basis. Whenever I have free time, I’ll put on my headphones and get lost in my favorite rock music, which is a good way toblow off steam.

有的时分,某些论题假定想不到两个缘由,谈谈自个的阅历也是可以的。说阅历的方法有许多,这儿介绍给我们的办法就是when + what + which is a good way to + R

When: Whenever I have free time

What : put on my headphone and get lost in my favorite rock music

Which : blow off steam

这儿需要提示考生的是,“放松”是口语考试Part 1 中的常见观念,许多标题中都可以用到,所以主张考生都预备几种表达,不要一向都是relax. 其实咱们可以说help sb to unwind, release one’s pressure, blow off steam, 都是可以来替换relax。




Do you think it’s important to eat fruit ?

To be honest, I think eating fruit is a big deal. Mainly becauseit’s beneficial for people’s health.

To be more specific, fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and natural sugar, so eating fruits is a good way to help people lose weight, strengthen muscle and even boost immune system.

当考生的答案只是运用一些空泛描述词且没有本质性内容的时分(比方,sth. is adj. Reading is interesting 或许doing sth. is adj. Playing video games is time-wasting ), 要学会去进一步说明。

Do you like reading newspaper ?

Not particularly, it’s not my cup of tea. Probably becauseit’s boring. That is to say, it’s generally black and white, lack of some attractive and colorful photos. Alsoit mainly focuses on politics, economy and current affairs.

在否定答案中,考生常常会说it’s boring, tedious, time-wasting, inconvenient等等,都不能算是一个好答案。考生认为自个把答案说完了,其实考官这时却是不了解的,必定要进一步说明。



It depends.

If + 条件1 + A + R

However if + 条件2 + B + (R)

Do you prefer to do outdoor games or indoor games ?

Well, it depends.Ifthe weather is agreeable, I’m more willing to do some games in the outdoors, such as hiking, fishing and camping. You know, it’s a great opportunity to get close to nature and breath fresh air. However, if it’s raining outside, indoor games such as card game or board game will be a better option to have fun.

有些标题可以不必直接答复,选用分类谈论可以让答案更有延伸性,也能让考官感触出考生有必定的思维和主意。可是,不主张在Part 1 中多次选用分类谈论,因为咱们在谈天进程中老是说“It depends.( 我觉得看情况)”,会让别人觉得很新鲜。



Mixed Feelings + Advantage + Disadvantage

Do you think internet is a good place to check news ?

Well, in terms of this topic, I have very mixed feelings.

On one hand, it’s pretty convenient to check news whenever people have free time. For example, commuters can read the latest news on their smart phones when taking underground.

However, on the other hand,news on the internet is not one hundred percent reliable and objective. Some news media bend the truth to grab audiences’ eyeballs.

雅思口语中Part 1 如何延伸拓宽答案插图
重学生的承受吸纳才能,而非辩证思考争辩反驳的才能。所以学生在课后能广泛自觉地运用因果相关联络,而运用转机联络的学生却屈指可数。评价优缺陷也就是去谈论事物的双面性,是考生在雅思口语Part 1 和Part 3 大约熟练运用的办法。不只可以有用的去延伸拓宽答案,更可以让答案体现出西方教育中所偏重的辩证思维才能。


此外,需要跟考生偏重的是,并不是一切标题都需要延伸,在许多论题的第一小题中,期望考生不要过多的延伸,否则会泄露过多的信息,考官无疑问可问的情况。比方:在Hometown 论题中,第一题考官都会问“where do you come from ? ”有些考生会说“I come from XX, it’s a small city. I love it so much because it’s famous for.....”显着这个答案就有点过火延伸了,因为考官清楚第二个疑问想问的是“Is that a small place or a big city ?”以及第三个疑问“Do you like your city?”都无法去问了。所以假定你不想考官老是打断你,必定记住要学会掌控节奏,不要过度泄露信息。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: