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资深备考雅思同学必定晓得,雅思口语Part 1最初步发问的三个高频论题,就是work or study,hometown和accommodation。在考试的最初步,给考官留下一个好形象有多么重要,咱们就不必偏重了吧!温习雅思这么久也必定听过一个叫做OG的东西,它就是咱们平常说的官方攻略(The Official Cambridge Guide of IELTS),就跟考试大纲相同,跟我们清楚一下考试方向。在OG里,有这样几道口语标题是有关高频论题的,给我们抛砖引玉一下,各位烤鸭们必定要好好预备:

Which subject did you find most difficult at school? And why?

Definitely math. I was allergic to math. I guess I just don’t have it in me to study it, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get satisfying grades. So math was, without any doubt, a nightmare in my secondary school, and all the way up to college.


Be allergic to除了标明“对…过敏”之外,还可以标明对某物极端的厌烦。

Don't have it in me to do something标明没有才能做某事。

 Do you ever need that subject now?

Well, fortunately, no. Math is out of my life for good. I mean, I do the simple addition, subtraction and stuff, but I can finally get rid of calculus, functions and things like that. My job has nothing to do with math. Actually, everything I learned in math class has found their way back to my teacher, which makes me wonder why I learned that in the first place. And I strongly believe that’s the problem about Chinese education system.


For good此处等于permanently。

Everything I learned in math class has found their way back to my teacher. 此处就是咱们常说的那句“终身所学都还给教师了”……

Is your hometown a good place to live?

Well, yeah, my hometown is definitely a good place to live in. Many youngsters might think otherwise, though. After all, it’s a small city in the northeast of China, and it might not be able to provide many job opportunities like those metropolitan cities, for example Beijing and Shanghai. But from my perspective, my hometown is a perfect place for citizens. For starters, we don’t have to worry about the air pollution, speaking of which I feel sorry for those people living in Beijing who have to wear a mask in the smog. And our traffic is OK, I mean, we don’t have to suffer from the terrible traffic jam although we don’t have subways or streetcars. The layout of our bus routes is pretty reasonable so it’s very convenient to get around. And we have beautiful sceneries in the countryside, which is only 40 minutes’ ride away. On weekends if the weather’s nice, a couple of friends or family members can get together and have a picnic by the lake, it’s pretty relaxing.


考试中一般考官不会给这么久的时刻发扬,究竟是Part 1你懂的,所以可以随意选择一两点来讲。

Would you say your town/city is a good place for young people to live?

Well, yes and no. I mean, that kind of depends on what kind of person you are. If you prefer a laid-back lifestyle, like me, and you don’t like the fierce competition, horrible traffic and the skyrocketing housing price, then yes, my hometown is a perfect place to live. However, if you are an ambitious person with a big dream who wants more job opportuniti
es and wants to achieve greater success, then no, you should go to build your career in those metropolitan cities.




我们平常可以多堆集一些口语化地道表达来应对Part 1的标题,究竟该有些的主旋律是谈天,不要跟考官特拽,也不必特意的巨大上聊人生聊抱负,放松心态,给考官一个棒棒的第一形象!











:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: