《英语口语8000句》第8课 碰头分手(7-9)

  • A+

??0885、您是哪里人? Where are you from?

0886、我是加拿大人。I'm from Canada.

0887、我从加拿大来。I come from Canada.

0888、你觉得日本怎么样? How do you like Japan?

0889、我很喜爱。I like it.

0890、是个好当地。It's a good place.

0891、你都去过日本的哪些当地? Where have you been in Japan?

0892、你如今住在哪儿? Where do you live now?

0893、我住在东京。I live in Tokyo.

0894、您是来休假的吗? Are you here on vacation?

0895、我是来作业的。I'm here on business.

0896、您往日本多长时刻了? How long have you been in Japan?

0897、4个月支配。About four months.

0898、你习气日本的日子了吗? Are you used to life in Japan?

0899、你在日本呆到啥时分? How long will you be in Japan?

0900、呆到12月。Until December.

0901、你说日语吗? Do you speak Japanese?

0902、只会一点儿。A little.

0903、我一点儿都不会说。I can't speak Japanese at all.

0904、我会一点儿往常会话。I know (everyday) conversational Japanese.

0905、你是在哪儿学的日语? Where did you learn Japanese?

0906、在学校。At school.

0907、我自学的。I learned it on my own.

0908、你啥时分过生日? When's your birthday?


0909、你晓得他的布景吗? Do you know his background?

0910、我在一家电脑公司作业。I work for a computer company.

0911、我是国家公务员。I'm a government employee.

0912、我是个别运营者。I'm self-employed.

0913、你在哪个部分作业? Which department do you work for?


0915、这个作业你做了多长时刻了? How long have you been doing that job?

0916、10年了。For 10 years.

0917、你的公司在哪儿? Where is your company?

0918、在新宿。In Shinjuku.

0919、上下班路上要花多长时刻? How long does it take (you) to commute?

0920、1个小时支配。About one hour.

0921、你怎么去上班? How do you get to work?

0922、我坐地铁。I ride the subway.

0923、我正在调作业。I'm changing jobs.

0924、我正在找作业。I'm job hunting now.

0925、我下一年退休。I'm retiring next year.

0926、我如今赋闲了。I'm out of work now.


0927、你是学生吗? Are you a student?

0928、我是个大学生。I'm a college student.

0929、我正在学习英文。I'm studying English.

0930、我结业于明治大学。I went to Meiji University.

0931、你上的哪所大学? Where did you go to college?

0932、你上啥学校? What school do you go to?

0933、我上……大学。I go to...university.

0934、你上几年级了? What year are you in?

0935、我上一年级。I'm a freshman.

0936、我下一年结业。I'll graduate next year.

0937、你的专业是啥? What's your major?

0938、我的专业是英语。I'm an English major.

0939、你参加哪个沙龙? What club are you in?

0940、我在滑雪沙龙。I'm in the ski club.

0941、你在打工吗? Do you have a part-time job?

《英语口语8000句》第8课 碰头分手(7-9)插图
期去一次书店做收银员。I work at a bookstore as a cashier once a week.

0943、结业今后你方案做啥? What are your plans after graduation?


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: