超有用 英语往常交流用语-shopping

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1、您想买啥?Anything I can do for you?/What can I show you?/What can I do for you?/Can I help you?

2、您想买巧克力吗?Are you looking for some chocolate?

3、还要买另外啥吗?Can I get you anything else?

4、还有啥要买的吗?Is there anything else I may show you?

5、您喜爱啥料子(标准,款式,类型,颜色)?What material(size,style,type,color) do you prefer?

6、您对啥类型的洗衣机感快乐喜爱?What type of washing machine are you interested in?

7、要啥颜色? Any particular color?


1、请给我看看太阳镜可以吗?Can I see your sun glasses,please?

2、可以把戒指给我看看吗?Can you shou me a gold ring?

3、请给我拿标准大一点的。Bring me a large one,please.

4、你们有合适我穿的现成衣裳吗?Do you have anything ready-made that will fit me?

5、我需要一双26码的鞋子。I need a pair of shoes,size26.

6、我喜爱另外一种颜色。I prefer a different color.

7、我在思考着买一架相机。I was thinking of a camera.

8、我想买一件羊毛衫。I am after a woolen sweater.

9、请按处方给我配药。Please prepare the medicine for me according to this preion.

10、我买这个。I'll take this one.

11、你们卖这种圆珠笔吗?Do you sell this kind of ballpoint?

12、我想要我国造的产品。I suppose I'd like something made in China.


1、你们还会进货吗?Are you likely to be getting any more in?

2、你能不能给我提些主张?Can you give me a suggestion(idea)

3、你能不能给点主张,哪种鞋我穿最适合?Can you advise me what kind of shoes suit me best?

4、你认为这个有点儿太暗了吗?Do you think it's a bit too dark?

5、标准大一点儿的你们有吗?Have you got a bigger size?

6、我得等多久才干买到呢?How long would I have to wait for it?

7、你看起居室用哪种窗布好?What kind of curtains would you suggest for a sitting room?

8、这些苹果卖吗?Are these apples on sale?

9、这些西瓜怎么卖?How do you sell the water melon for?

10、这个你要卖多少钱?How much do you ask for it?/ What do you charge for it?

11、一共多少钱?How much is it alto
超有用 英语往常交流用语-shopping插图

12、我该付多少钱?How much shall I pay you for it?

13、这些橘子的价格是多少?What's the price of the oranges?

14、这要卖多少钱?What does it cost?

15、这是降价今后的价格吗?Is this the sale price?

16、我想订购一套家私。I want to order a set of furniture.


1、您喜爱这幻术吗?Do you like this design?

2、这是些样品。Here're some samples.

3、这个怎么样?How about this one?

4、您觉得这种颜色怎么样? How do you like this color?

5、这个耐穿而且不走样。It wears well and keeps its shape.

6、这是纯羊毛的,非常软。It's made of pure wool,very soft.

7、如今正盛行这种款式。It's the fashion now.

8、我看这标准是最适合的了。I think this size would be the best thing.

9、请试试这个。Try this one,please.

10、咱们有些真实的好货。We have some real good buys.

11、先生,一共65元。It comes to 65 yuan,sir.

12、这个要五美元。It costs 5 dollars.

13、四十美元,您觉得适合吗?Say 40 pounds. Would that suit you?

14、按质论价。The price depends on the quality.

15、价格就标在牌子上,先生。The price is marked on the tag,sir.

16、每斤六元。There're 6 yuan per jin.

17、给你零钱(找零)。Here is the charge.


1、今日恐怕没有货了。I'm afraid we are out of them today.

2、恐怕咱们没有您的标准了。I'm afraid we haven't anything your size.

3、对不住,咱们不进这类货品。I'm sorry we don't stock such items.

4、估量本星期五就会到货。We expect to have a supply this Friday.

5、咱们当前没有货,不过咱们可认为您订购。We haven't got that in stock at the moment,but we could order it for you.

6、估量明日咱们有新货到来。We're expecting some new stock tomorrow.


1、我看看可以吗?Could I have a look at it?

2、我试穿一下可以吗?Could I try it on?

3、你有大一点的标准吗?Have you any bigger sizes?

4、给我看一些样品好吗?How about showing me some samples?

5、你们只需这种图像的吗?Is this the only design you have?

6、这个我中意。It suits me.

7、这个我穿戴太小(宽松,长,大)。It's a bit small (wide,long,large) on me.

8、请给我挑一个好的。Pick me out a good piec, please.

9、给我看看另外。Show me some others.

10、这个标准正好。 This is the right size.

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