金融英语口语听力教程第6课 美国金融准则(一)

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The American Financial System (1)


[00:03.71]Situation 6

[00:04.90]景象 6

[00:06.09]Iwao Tanaka ,making his first business trip to the United States ,is talking to an American banker about the financial and monetary system of the U.S.


[00:17.89]Tanaka:What is meant by the term Federal Reserve System ?Is that the central bank of the United States?

[00:21.68]田 中:啥是美国联邦储蓄体系?它是美国的中心银行吗?

[00:25.47]Banker :Technically it is not ,Mr.Tanaka,but it functions in that capacity .


[00:31.29]The Federal Reserve System ,or the Fed as it is usually called,is the fiscal agent of the United States .


[00:39.03]It has authority to issure notes which are the main currency of the country ,


[00:45.64]to control the money supply and to supervise banks and banking practices in the country .


[00:53.05]T;It's owned by the government ,isn't it ?

[00:54.56]田 中:它归于政府一切,是吗?

[00:56.06]B:No ,it isn't .Actually ,the Fed really consists of 12 banks which are owned by all the nationally chartered banks in their respective districts.


[01:08.73]But the supervisory board ,called the Boa
金融英语口语听力教程第6课 美国金融准则(一)插图
rd of Governors,is a government agency responsible to the Congress.


[01:17.87]T:What do you mean by nationally chartered banks?Don't all banks have to have charters?

[01:20.82]田 中:您所说的国家立案的银行是啥意思?莫非不是一切的银行都有必要立案吗?

[01:23.77]B:Yes,every bank must have a charter or license to do business .But we have a dual banking system here in the United States.


[01:35.50]That means some banks are licensed by the Federal government and some by individual states.


[01:43.00]There are approximately 5,000 national banks and 10,000 state banks in the country .


[01:50.81]T:Are they all supervised by the Fed?

[01:52.16]田 中:这些银行受美国联邦贮藏体系监督吗?

[01:53.50]B:Only the national banks are .



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