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雅思听力学习的进程可以比照苦楚,期望我们可以将雅思听力MP3下载下来细心操练,那么今日重庆大学性考雅思培训-举世雅思维要跟我们共享一下雅思听力考试中的非常归类词汇有哪些,期望有快乐喜爱的同学们多多看一下。  雅思听力学习我们需要回想一下这些要害词,在许多听力考试中这些要害词一般起偏重要的作用,多花些时刻备考。  非常规类雅思听力高险源结分要害词:首要用于选择题的审题,可以分红四类。  雅思听力高分要害词1. 豪情颜色类  标题中呈现的例如impressed, interested, depressed, difficult, hard, against, in favor of这些富含必定豪情颜色的词一般需要留心,例如:  When she Had adopted a portfolio, she found the publishers  A. more receptive to her work  B. equally cautious about her work  C. uninterested in her work  压推气雅思听力高分要害词2. 方法办法类  标题中呈现的标明方法的词是考生需要找到作为要害词的,例如:  剑7 TEST1 SECTION2 QUESTION11 PS company has been organising holidays for  剑7 TEST3 SECTION2 QUESTION11 On the holiday, you will be walking for  When was the Braille system officially adopted

雅思听力高分要害词3. 趋势改变类  这类要害词也可以凭仗笔记法,用一些标明上升或降低的符号来替代  A. 添加,上升或好转  这类词有Increase, add, more, better, improve, grow up by ……  B. 削减,降低或恶化  这类词有decrease, fewer, reduce, decline, worse, drop by……  例如剑6 TEST1 SECTION2  A. doubled in number  B. reduced in number  C. increased in size  雅思听力高分要害词4. 结论观念类  标题中呈现的与结论观念有关的词可以作为咱们的要害词,如indicate, find
the following, suggest, get the conclusion that, discover等。  这篇文章介绍了雅思听力都有哪些非常归类词汇的疑问,期望能给我们带来协助。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: