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本学期的商务英语课程,不知不觉已是第六次会集授课。因而, 孙超平教师对前五讲的内容进行了一个扼要的回想。 一课一主题,一讲一练习,是咱们21C2班商务英语的标准动作。

初度授课是应景教育,教师联系对教师的祝福和赞许构建了“Teacher”模型,并需求咱们联系“Mother’s Day” “Father’s Day” “Children’s Day”等节假期构建概念模型,触类旁通,学致使用。时刻,学院督导何向阳教授听取了孙教师的开学第一课,并联系“Teacher’s Day”模型,对孙教师和孙教师五位一体的双语教育编制进行了点评。何教授指出,孙教师酷爱教育,正好印证了“He is what he loves.”这句话。酷爱啥,就会变成啥样的人。孙教师酷爱教育,他的时刻和精力都花在了教育探究上,所以才对我们的课堂体现和出勤情况如数家珍。假定联系咱们的人生选择,是不是也可以仿句为“We are what we choose.”呢?督导就是督导,把孙教师五位一体的双语教育编制运用得适可而止。

第二讲,孙教师联系领导特质论中的英文描述词和费德勒问卷中的16组描述词,打造“形象21C2,21C2形象”的班级集体活动,提炼了 “Where there’s A, there’s B” 的英文经典句型。如今,班级每个同学,都有TA在班级的印记。例如,说到班长玉树临风,咱们想到的是“哪里有杜凌峰,哪里就有民宿(Where there’s 杜凌峰, there’re lodgings.)” “哪里有杜凌峰,哪里就有传媒(Where there’s 杜凌峰, there’s media.)”。再例如,说到汪元春,给咱们班级留下的印记就是“哪里有汪元春,哪里就有歌声(Where there’s 汪元春, there’re songs.)” “哪里有汪元春,哪里就有茶业(Where there’s 汪元春, there’s tea.)”。因为汪元春在课堂上,清唱了“阿里山的姑娘”和“外婆的澎湖湾”,并在后续课堂上共享了舌尖上的徽茶,令咱们形象深化。趁便提及一下,元春的共享,为咱们班级留下了经典英文是 “He’s not my cup of tea. (他不是我的菜)”。

第三讲,孙教师从赞许的描述词和句型启航,由赞许过渡到鼓励,运用赫兹伯格双要素理论中的中心观念“满足的敌对面不是不满足,而是没有满足(The opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but no satisfaction.)”,论说了打点学和经济学中的辨证观。令咱们始料不及的是,教师还联系课文“In a restaurant”指出,“老牛肉的敌对面不是嫩牛肉,而是没有老牛肉(The opposite of well-done beef is not rare beef, but medium beef.)”。把打点学的理论与商务英语教育进行了有机嫁接。运用之妙,存乎专心。如今咱们班的口头禅是“爱的敌对面不是恨,而是不爱也不恨;恨的敌对面不是爱,而是不恨也不爱。(The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference,and vice versa.)”。一起,“黑的敌对面不是白,而是不黑也不白;白的敌对面不是黑,而是不白也不黑(The opposite of black is not white, but grey,and vice versa.)”现已变成咱们班的顺口溜。当然,更经典的是我们都能信口开河的“what a job!” “What a class!” “What a boy!”等表达。

第四讲,孙教师联系教材内容“A bite of Hui Cuisine(舌尖上的徽菜)”,并聘请汪元春共享了“舌尖上的徽茶(A drink of Hui Tea)”。吃下去啥,咱们就会长成啥姿势(We are what we eat.);喝啥样的东西,咱们就会长成啥姿势。(We are what we drink.);选择作用人生。选择了啥,咱们人生就会是啥姿势的(We are what we choose.)。从衣食住行等根柢生理需要,到价值观都会影响咱们的身心。英文主旨句“We’re what we do.”现已变成咱们的人生参照。来到安徽工商打点学院,咱们有样学样,将奠定咱们的将来(We’re what we study.)。

第五讲,孙教师联系安徽教育(A glimpse of education in Anhui) 广泛了“211”,“985”和?涣鳌背鎏ǖ谋尘土⒘盗旄咝T谘г褐械呐判蚪舛亮撕戏使ひ荡笱Ъ妇劢搿?11”缔造高校和“985”优势学科平台高校的进程。从“全国要点高校”到“211缔造高校”,再到“985缔造高校”,再到?涣鞯拊旄咝!保逑至司玫拊旌蜕缁岽蚩愿卟愦稳瞬诺幕鸺毙枰?

“没有一流的教育,就没有一流的人才。(Without good education, there would be no great talents.)”,是咱们对高级教育与人才培育之间联络的知道。“Without A, there would be no B.”,是咱们习得的经典句型。这个句型,与“Where there’s A, there’s B”句型,如同是共同的。例如,哪里有孙教师,哪里就有五位一体的双语教育编制(Where there’s Mr. Sun, there’s his unique way of teaching English.)。也可以说,没有孙教师,就没有五位一体的双语教育编制(Without Mr. Sun,there would be no such a unique way of teaching English.)。“可是,这两个句型并非充分必要条件……”猛然,咱们如同又回到了考前的写作与逻辑辅导课。

第六讲,孙教师运用五位一体的双语教育编制,联系课文一日游带工头级进一步晓得合肥, 走近宣城和蓝山湾。

依照“江山就是公民,公民就是江山”的官方英译,联系“江南诗山”提炼了“诗是一座山,山是一卷诗”的经典表达,联系江南四台甫楼之一的“谢朓楼”给出了“楼是一卷诗,诗是一座楼”的经典表达,更是联系工大斛兵塘给出了“塘是一段史,史是一方塘(The lake is composed of a story, and the story is all that matters to the lake.)的构思与表达,并据此引导每位同学激荡脑力,做到触类旁通。


孙超平:The class is composed of committed and ambitious students,and commitment and ambition are all that matter to the class. 21C2是寻求与愿望的组合,寻求与愿望是21C2的魂灵。

严 浩:The development is composed of innovations,and innovations are all that matter to the development. 打开依托立异,立异引领打开。

王逊超:The life is composed of hard work,and hard work is all that matters to the life.人生就是斗争,斗争就是人生。

茆 鼎: The life is composed of daily necessities, daily necessities are all that matter to the life.日子就是油盐油盐酱醋茶,油盐油盐酱醋茶就是日子。

徐 菲: The memory is composed of experiences,and experiences are all that matter to the memory. 回想就是阅历,阅历变成回想。

王伟: Learning is composed of the ability,and the ability is all that matters to learning. 学习就是才能,才能就要学习。

杨 雪:The technology is composed of wisdom,and wisdom is all that matters to the technology. 科技生智,智生科技。

汪秀玲:The study is composed of growing up, and growing up is all that to matters to the study. 学习就是生长,生长就是学习。

李怀文:The morning is composed of sunshine, and the sunshine is all that matters to the morning. 晨是一道光,光是一抹晨。

吴 鹏:The life is composed of travelling, and travelling is all that matters to the life.人生就是旅行,旅行就是人生。

杜凌峰:Work is composed of learning, and learning is all that matters to work.学习就是作业,作业就是学习。

金 阳:Hefei is composed of innovation highland, and innovation highland is all that matters to Hefei city. 合肥就是立异高地,立异高地就是合肥。

陈波:The isolation is obedience, and obedience is all that matters to the isolation.阻隔就是遵守,遵守就是阻隔。

葛 云:The wealth is composed of health,and health is all that matters to the wealth. 财富就是安康,安康就是财富。

胡文颜:The productivity is composed of super girls and handsome boys, and super girls and handsome boys are all that matter to the productivity.帅哥佳人就是出产力,出产力就是帅哥佳人。

胡重生:The love is composed of responsibility, a
nd the responsibility is all that matters to the love. 爱就是责任,责任就是爱。

张帮华:The time is composed of years, and years are all that matter to the time.时刻就是年月,年月就是时刻。

洪东升:The army is composed of soldiers, and soldiers are all that matter to the army.部队就是兵士,兵士就是部队。

沈小力:The life is composed of being upward, and being upward is all that matters to the life. 生命就是向上构成的,向上就是生命的悉数。

龚莞容:The Alcohol is composed of a story,and the story is all that matters to the Alcohol. 喝酒会有故事,有故事得喝酒。

赵玉香:The life is composed of dreaming,and dreaming is all that matters to the life. 生命就是追梦,追梦就是生命。

王文娟:The class is composed of students, and students are all that matter to the class. 班级就是同学,同学就是班级。

刘红生:Home is composed of happiness,and happiness is all that matters to home.家是满满的夸姣,夸姣就是家的悉数。

汪元春:The family is composed of love,and love is all that matters to the family.家是爱的港湾,有爱才有家。

周 静:The nature is composed of life, and the life is all that matters to the nature.大天然就是生命,生命就是大天然。

陈小妮:Progress is positive energy,positive energy is progress.前进就是正能量,正能量就是前进。

倪莉莉:Management is communication, and communication is all that matters to the management. 打点就是交流,交流是打点之魂。

李 焕:The technology is composed of the productivity, and the productivity is all that matters to the technology.科技就是出产力,出产力就是科技。

夏 俊:The ice is composed of water,and the water is all that matters to the ice. 冰就是水,水就是冰的悉数。

吴 辉:The study is composed of happiness, and happiness is all that matters to the study.学习高兴,高兴学习。

倪爱杰:The Cultivation is composed of the consciousness, and the consciousness is all the that matters to the Cultivation修炼就是醒悟,醒悟就是修炼。

林亦平:Youth is composed of hard work, and hard work is all that matters to youth.斗争是芳华,芳华是斗争。

姚 瑶:A country's future is composed of the youth, and the youth are all that matter to a country's future.国家的将来在于青年,青年就是国家的将来。

贺艳红:Role models are composed of teaching by example,and teaching by example is all that matters to role models. 以身作则就是树立榜样,树立榜样就是以身作则。

李淑萍:Photography is composed of the art of painting with light, and the art of painting with light is all that matters to photography.拍摄是用光作画的艺术,用光作画的艺术就是拍摄。

金朋望:The team is composed of the cohesiveness,and the cohesiveness is all that matters to the team.团队是由凝集力构成的,凝集力是团队的悉数。

陈昶吉:The wealth of the people is composed of the spirit of the government, and the spirit of the government is all that matters to the wealth of the people.党的精力就是公民的财富,公民的财富就是党的精力。

李厚林:Bing more is composed of being less, and being less is all that matters to being less. 多即少,少即多。

夏俊:Success is composed of failure, and failure is all that matters to success.成功是由失利构成的,失利是成功之母。

姜明海: Life is composed of time, and time is all that matters to life.时刻就是生命,生命就是时刻。

吴鹏: Life is composed of consideration, and consideration is all that matters to life.人生需要思考,思考就是人生。

张兵:History is composed of culture, and culture is all that matters to history.前史是文明的传承,文明是前史的重要构成。

陈宝宁:Marketing is composed of service, and service is all that matters to marketing. 推广就是效能,效能前进推广。

王娟娟:Publicity is composed of advertising, and advertising is all that matters to publicity.广告就是宣传,宣传就是广告。

黄 琳:Mr. Sun is composed of happiness, and happiness is all that matters to Mr. Sun.

李姗姗:The life is composed of photos, and photos are all that matter to the life. 相片是一段人生,人生是一张张的相片。

李方平:The forest is composed of the trees, and the trees are all that matter to the forest.

张德武:The village is composed of pictures, and the pictures are all that matter to the village. 村庄就是一幅画,画就是这村庄。

黄经纬:Ganghood is composed of gangs, and gangs are all that matter to Ganghood. 江湖就是人,人就是江湖。

文:21C2 李怀文,陈小妮;

图:21C2 倪爱杰 龚莞容等。








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