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1.1 Set Goals

It s often much easier to motivate yourself to work if you have something to aim for. Goals can be short or long term. A short term goal in learning English might be to learn enough to be able to book a hotel room. A longer term aim could be to attend a University in a foreign country, or get a 6.5 on the IELTS exam.


每自个都是如此,留心中有了寻求的方针,就会不断鼓励自个朝着方针行进。而设定英语(论坛)学习的方针可以分为长时刻或短期。所谓短期方针是一些短期内在英语上能获得的前进,比方在一个星期内学会用英语预定酒店。而长时刻方针就是在一段时刻后你在英语上所期望的得到的前进,比方6个月后去外国读书或许是3个月雅思获得6.5 分。

1.2 Be Prepared to Work Hard

Learning a language is generally not easy. Most people have other things to do in their lives apart from learning English. You need to realize this and be patient with regard to your progress. But you won t achieve much if you don t put in the effort. We can provide you with quality instructors. However, your progress depends a lot on you.



1.3 Make Time 白领英语

Many of us lead busy lives and find it hard to fit new things into an already established routine. Learning English can be requires discipline. You need to set aside time for your learning and be prepared to study during that time. Putting things off because you re too tired is ok every now and then, but it shouldn t become a habit. Make English an indispensable part of your schedule.

组织时刻 白领英语


1.4 Ask Questions

We don t expect students to be sponges. You can t expect to absorb everything and not have any question
s to ask. Don t be afraid to ask questions. Our teachers are here to help.

学会发问 白领英语

咱们并不等待咱们的学生 是一块海绵,你不可以能吸收一切的东西而不提出任何疑问。不要惧怕发问,咱们的教师随时等待你的发问并会协助你的。

1.5 Do Some Extra-curricular Work

Having a teacher to instruct and guide you is vital. However, you can also study independently in fact; this will be more likely to make you a successful language learner. Don t wait until it s time for class to pull out your English books.





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