托福独立口语入门级真题共享 广告股动收购才能增加

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Do you agree with the following statement? Advertisements have too much influence on what people buy.

你附和或不附和以下说法:广告对我们收购的东西影响太大 ?


I agree. Today, many companies are investing heavily in advertising and grabbing the customer's attention. Hence, the effect advertising has on what people buy is undeniable.

One of the primary reasons for this is that advertising provides an atmosphere within which people can become familiar with a new product. It is obvious that no-one ever buys a product they are unaware of. Advertising is the bridge between company and customer. Once aware of a product, the customer thinks about it and consequently feels a need to own/consume it.

Additionally, advertising has the potential to change the public ’ s perspective and beliefs. Many psychologists have explained that when an audience watches an advertisement over and over, after a while he or she accepts the product. This may happen even when the person did not initially hold the product in
托福独立口语入门级真题共享 广告股动收购才能增加插图
high regard. This is the the best evidence of the power of advertising.


其间一个首要缘由是广告给我们供给了一种了解新产品的空气。很显着,没有人买过他们不晓得的产品。广告是公司与顾客之间的桥梁。一旦知道到一个产品,顾客就会思考它,然后觉得有必要具有 / 耗费它。




Advertisement definitely has a huge influence on what people buy. 广告对我们收购的影响是不可以否定的。

R1: provides an atmosphere for expenditure 一种了解新产品的花费空气

R2: change the people's perspective and beliefs 改动大众的观念和崇奉


grabbing someone ’ s attention 捉住或人的留心力

undeniable 不可以否定的

consume 花费 耗费

over and over 重复 ; 再三

holds sth in high regard 对某事的注重

be aware of 知道到,晓得

这篇托福独立口语真题高分答复在最初步就简略直白陈述了观念,之后的两小段别离从营建花费空气和改动大众观念这两个视点进行了理由论说,中心给出了 " 没有人买他们不晓得的产品 " 的反例和心思学家的说明进行佐证,这些答题思路和亮眼表达咱们都可以学习使用到自个的托福独立口语操练中,另外我们要留心平常进行托福口语操练也要仿照实考时掐着时刻点并进行录音,在多听自个录音反思的进程中收成托福口语才能的前进。

人手一本经典托福考试用书 在线免费阅览


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: