托福阅览材料 歇息地选择

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版别二: 第三篇讲动物靠啥选择歇息地 某理论说 动物感知器官搜集信息然后反应神经体系后又说其他理论一个是找更多食物,另一个缘由是躲避被捕食,最终说还需要进一步研讨啥真实影响,更细节记不得了…




Habitat selection

Habitat selection is the process or behavior that an animal uses to selector choose a habitat in which to live; correspondingly, plants and fungi engagein habitat selection, even though their inherent mobility is different fromanimals. To live in a habitat an animal must first have access to the habitat.Once the animal has access to the habitat it must be able to tolerate theconditions of the habitat and find the resources that it needs to survive inthat habitat. Animals must be able to tolerate at least two kinds of factors inthe habitat. These factors are abiotic factors and biotic factors. Abioticfactors are non-biological factors such astemperature, humidity, salinity and pHto name a few. Biotic factors are biological factors such ascompetition,predation, and disease. If both abiotic and biotic factors can be tolerated theanimal must also be able to find the resources that it needs to survive. Theseresources include food, shelter from abiotic and biotic factors, and a mate. Ifan animal can not tolerate abiotic and biotic factors in a habitat or if it doesnot find food, shelter or a mate in that habitat, it is likely that the habitatwill not be selected and the animal will leave the habitat. Habitats that aresuitable for animals will often times have many animals of the same speciesthere. Th
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is can lead to intraspecific competition. All of these things have animpact on the ecology of the animal (its distribution and abundance).

One way to determine if a habitat is suitable for an animal is to conduct atransplant experiment. In a transplant experiment animals of interest aretransplanted or brought to a habitat to test that habitat for suitability. Ifthe animal survives and reproduces in the habitat, it is concluded that thehabitat was unoccupied because the animal was unable to get there or because itdid not have access to the habitat. If the animal does not stay, survive, orreproduce in the habitat, it is concluded that it could be due to a lack ofresources or because certain biotic and or abiotic factors are present and itcan not tolerate them. A habitat that is suitable can become unsuitable if theanimal's resources and or biotic and abitoic factors change. This is what oftenhappens when we develop areas that are currently undeveloped. This causes us tosee animals that we never saw in our environments before. It also can lead to adecline in the number of these animals.


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: