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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students are now more interested in politics than they were


是很有特征的一道今昔比照题,所以在写作时必定要留心时态的切换,另外,标题里有politics。一看到政治,许多同学就慌了。平常不太关怀政治那怎 么写。请留心标题的需求不是谈论政治,而是谈论年青人对政治的关怀是不是添加。所以不必细节性地谈啥政治主张或政打点念,而要偏重于今世社会环境、科技、 通讯、交通等各方面,是不是有助于年青人承受、表达、或与别人一同共享政治方面的信息或定见。参阅思路1.群众媒体的打开扩展了我们晓得政治新闻作业的掩盖 面( various news media outlets have expanded their coverage of political events. )。

这儿给出一个参阅比方“Arab Spring”,也叫“阿拉伯之春”(“阿拉伯之春”是指自2010年年末在北非和西亚的阿拉伯国家和其它区域的一些国家发生的一系列以“民主”和“经 济”等为主题的反政府运动。这项运动先后触及突尼斯、埃及、利比亚、也门、叙利亚等国,多名领导人先后下台,其影响之深、规模之广、迸发之俄然、来势之迅 猛招引了全世界的高度重视。发生在突尼斯的自焚作业是整个“阿拉伯之春”运动的导火索。在这次运动中,现代移动通讯技能和互联网交际媒体起到了重要的作 用。)

2. 现代通讯技能,比方互联网,邮件等的打开也添加了学生重视政治的热心,新的facebook ,twitter等交际平台的呈现使得年青人可以触摸到更多的政治信息,也可以借此共享,传达政治信息。

(the development in recent decades of various Internet technologies such as email and the World Wide Web. These technologies not only direct information about political events to students, but they also give young people the means with which share ideas and communicate their own political views with others. )3. 交通的便当(increased access to transportation)使得学生很简略参加各种会议,政治示威,对立和集会。(made it much easier for students to join groups, attend meetings, go to political demonstrations, and be p
resent at protest rallies. )


Task 1

Title: Do you think is good idea to let students keep pets in dorm?

参阅答案Despite it is forbidden to keep pets in school, many students like to keep a kind of animal as a pet, such as dogs, cats, birds and so on. They put great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members. Keeping pets does good to students, from my perspective, because pets can bring them joy and happiness. And make the dorm just like a home. Moreover, students may need companions other than friends but the pets..

Task 2

Title:The neighbors from small area are more friendly than those from big cities. Do you agree or disagree?

参阅答案 Iagree with the statement for the following reasons. First, people from small area, they may live much closer than those in the big cities. There are too many buildings and large communities in big cities. Secondly, people in big cities don’t have much time to be friendly for the others. Cuz people in big cities are far more busy working everyday, they care nothing but all about themselves.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: