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It’s time for breakfast/lunch/supper(dinner)/snack.现在是早餐(午餐、晚餐、点心)时间。


Are you hungry? 你们饿了吗?




Please wash your hands before you eat. 吃东西前请洗手。


Wash your hands please. 请大家去洗手吧。


Then, dry your hands with the towel. 然后呢,用毛巾擦干手。




Please sit down at the table. ( Please sit by the table).请坐到餐桌旁。


Here are your chopsticks/spoon/bowl.给你筷子,勺子和碗。


Please lay them straight.请把他们放好。


Take your time. 慢慢吃。




The dishes smell good. 菜闻着真香。


Please keep silent while eating. (Be quiet when you are eating.)用餐时请不要说话。


Take your cup and drink some water.喝杯水吧。




Boys and girls, lunchtime. 孩子们,吃午饭了。


Today, we have rice and vegetables.今天的午餐我们吃米饭和一些蔬菜。


Vegetable is good for our health.蔬菜对身体有好处。


We should have some vegetables for each meal.每餐都要吃一些蔬菜。




Who wants more rice? 谁还要米饭?


Who’d like more vegetables? 谁还要菜?


All kinds of vegetables are good for our health.多吃蔬菜有利于我们的身体健康。


Who wants to add some soup? 谁想加点儿汤?




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: