
  • A+

11. We've asked the designers we used before to ____________ up with some designs for us.

A. come

B. hurry

C. get


①  'we used before' 为省略that 的从句,被用作定语修饰主句宾语the designers,'the designers (that ) we used before ' 意思为“我们之前用过的设计师”。

② ask sb. to do sth.     叫某人做某事

The teacher asked us to learn the text by heart after class.

I felt obliged to ask them to come to the party.   我不得不请他们参加晚会。

③ come up with      提出;想出;赶上

hurry up ( 使赶快 )

get up   起床, 起立;建造;啬 打扮;伪造

④ 试题译文:我们已经请我们以前用过的设计师为我们提供一些设计。


12. An agreement was reached on the _____________ of mutual respect and mutual interest.

A. basic

B. base

C. basis


mutual  adj. 相互的,彼此的;共同的, 共有的;(保险公司、建筑协会等)互助的

respect    n. 尊敬, 敬重;重视、尊重;方面,着眼点;问候, 敬意(respects);   V. 尊敬,敬佩;慎重对待, 尊重;遵守;避免破坏(或干扰)

interest   n. 兴趣, 关注;吸引力, 趣味;爱好;利息;利益, 好处;权益, 股权;利害关系, 重要影响;利益集团, 利益相关者      v. 使感兴趣,引起……的关注;劝说(某人)做(或参与)

on the basis of...         “在某事的基础上;根据;基于……”    固定搭配,相当于because of a particular fact or situation。



13. All the __________ guests are seated in the front row.

A. distinguishing

B. extinguishing

C. distinguished


distinguish    v. 使有别于;看清, 认出;区别,分清;区别, 区分;辨别

distinguishing   adj.  有区别的; v. 区别;表现突出(distinguish 的现在分词形式)

distinguished     adj.    卓越的, 杰出的;高贵的, 尊贵的;  v.  区别, 分清;使有别于;看清, 认出( distinguish 的过去式和过去分词形式) (比较级 more distinguished ;  最高级 most distinguished)

extinguish    v. (使)(火、光)熄灭;(使)消亡, 破灭;迫使(某人)沉默;偿清(债务);取消(权利、义务)

extinguishing   是 extinguish 的现在分词。



14. Please ask the solicitor what his _________ would be to take the case to court.

A. fare

B. fee

C. salary


词汇:① solicitor   n.  <英>初级律师,事务律师;<美>推销员, 招揽生意的人, 游泳说者;<美>法务官

②  to take the case to the court   将案件提交法庭

③ fare   n. 交通费用;租客;饭菜;常见的东西;供大众使用的东西(尤指娱乐活动);     V.进展,表现

④ fee  n. 费用,酬金;会费, 入场费;封地, 采邑;     v. 付给(某人)费用;

⑤  salary   n.   薪金,薪水    v. <古>给……薪金

语法: ①句中主要是 ‘ask sb. sth. ’ "询问某人某事"  结构的运用,ask 后接双宾语(直接宾语+间接宾语)。

② the solicitor 为直接宾语。what his _______ would be  为间接宾语。

③不定式 to take the case to the court 做间接宾语的补足语。



15. You can't ___________ to sit back —even though it might be tempting.

A. afford

B. stand



① *afford    v.   can/could afford... (一般用否定式)买得起,抽得出时间,承担得起

eg. I couldn't afford the rent on my own. 就凭我自己我付不起房租。

Jenny can't afford any more time off work.     詹妮没办法再请假了。

We can't afford to wait any longer or we'll miss the meeting.    我们不能再街下去了,否则赶不上会议。

* stand   v.  站立, 起立; 忍受, 容忍;经得起, 经受……

*willing   adj.   愿意的, 乐意的;乐于相助的, 积极肯干的;志愿的;  v.  希望,想要(某事发生);凭意志促使……做某事;立遗嘱遗赠(will的现在分词形式)   比较级  ,不能与can't  直接搭配。

② sit back    坐下来;休息;不采取行动;闲着;袖手旁观

③ tempt    v.  引诱, 诱惑;怂恿, 利诱;冒……的风险

④ even though       虽然, 尽管

eg. Even though she's 24 now, she 's still like a little child.

I can still remember, even though it was so long ago.

试题译文: 你不能坐下来休息,即使这可能很诱人。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: